Chapter 6

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Izuku POV:
"Why did you slap me?" I asked, sobbing. I sat down slowly, placing my hand on my slapped left cheek. I started crying like a small kid, which I was. We remained like that until Ura-chan didn't go forward and handed me her pink handkerchief. I took it and began wiping away my fake tears. Ura-chan knelt and patted my head, hoping to calm me down, unaware that everything was an act. She stayed quiet until I'd calmed down.

"I think everyone would slap you if you did something like this... What would you do if you lost control or your magic wasn't strong enough? You must be more careful in the future." She looked at Suki before adding the last part. "But this time, it was more of Suki's fault to make fun of you. So I can understand." I smiled at her last remark. Glad that she didn't blame just me for what had happened. Unlike Suki, who was anything but happy with what she had said.

"Hey!!" He screamed at us both, but Ura-chan was undoubtedly fed up with his behavior. I mean, could you blame her? She needed to put up with this behavior daily for more than a few hours. "Be quiet, Suki; you've already done enough damage!" She shouted fiercely at him, then turned to me and smiled as bright as the sun. I probably wouldn't mind starting at it for a long time.

Suki shook his head and approached us. "Ura is right. What would you do if I fell and hurt myself?" He said while softly patting my head. I froze. I didn't expect him, of all people, to give me a head pat. Looking at him now, you could see he had a younger sister. But who would say he knew how to be gentle, or was he just afraid I'd do that? *Eh, I don't care.*

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again... but it was your fault, Suki-kun!" I knew it was my fault, but I couldn't pass up the chance to have him apologize yet again. Suki lightly tapped my head and made an irritating expression when I muttered that. "I've already apologized, and stop calling me Suki! My name is Bakugou Katsuki!" He spoke, and each time he uttered his name, he softly hit my head as if this would help me remember it.

I stared at him as he stated his surname. Now that I had a good look at him, he looked familiar, just like his surname. I tried to figure it out, but my mind went blank. *Oh well, it's probably nothing.* I took a peek at the two of them. Suki was helping Ura-chan in adjusting the ribbon on the back of her dress. *Once you know him better, he's not all that bad. He can actually be kind if he wants to. He said his name its Katsuki... Kat... Kat-chan... Ah!*

"Kacchan! I call you Kacchan, a nickname only I can call you by! Okay?" I stated this while fixing my now-ruined hair. Su- Kacchan nodded. "Call me whatever you like, but no Suki, and will you finally give us your name?" When he asked, I became angry. *Name. The cause behind everything! Ah, I panicked too much back then. I should just tell them my nickname, and nothing of this fucking drama would happen!* I groaned because I realized that most of this was my fault for not choosing quickly.

I rose up and offered my hands for handshakes to Kacchan and Ura-chan. When they grabbed them, I smiled and finally stated what they could call me. "I'm Izu." They released my hand. "Well, your name is Izu. Nothing would have happened if you had said it beforehand." I shook my head. I was fully aware that no relationship would work if it began with a lie. Especially your name. "Nah, it's just my nickname, not my real name, but whatever." It wasn't like they'd care; we were just kids. So we didn't mind if somebody told us their names or nicknames. "Yeah, I don't really care about that./ You can tell us your name when you are comfortable with us." My point was proven.

After that, a heavy silence fell, and the one who broke it was Ura-chan.

"But~ if none of this had happened, we wouldn't be here chatting to one other like this. You two would keep arguing while I would freak out. Hahah." She laughed as she said it. I considered what she said, and she was right. If none of this drama had occurred, we would have likely crossed paths and never seen each other again. When I looked at Kacchan, he was already staring at me. And now that I think about it, this situation was rather amusing. Kacchan and I busted out laughing, and the three of us laughed until our stomachs hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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