Chapter 38 - "That literally makes no sense."

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Courtney wasn't going to say she had nothing to wear. That would be about the most idiotic thing she could think of since she literally sat on the floor of her closet surrounded by clothes. No, the statement, or rather the question in her mind was one she'd never asked herself before. She'd never needed to.

Okay, were there times in her formative years when she didn't know what oneise to wear at night? Yes, but everyone had those times and she'd been three. Think of all the years since then. All the effort and dedication she'd put into never having to face this question again.

Was she currently being dramatic about facing the dilemma of what to wear?

Yes, but in her defense, she did feel lost.

And for a girl whose passion in life did come from clothes and knowing the right combination, this was unsettling.

There was only one thing for it: backup. And backup from the least likely person she'd imagined she call in as reinforcement. Honestly, with this person's history, it didn't even make logical sense to call. But there were added benefits that helped tip the scales.

"What's up?" Micah asked, his beautiful face filling Courtney's phone screen.

Yes, his looks definitely played a major factor in calling him. Just look at those eyes. The feeling of complete and desolate loss is already retreating. But it still hadn't fully surrendered so the question must be voiced. Even though it pains me to say it.

"I don't know what to wear to Damon's party," Courtney said. "I need your help."

The view of Micah wavered. "I'm sorry, can you say that again?"

Courtney widened her eyes, pouring her soul and desperation into them.

"I don't know what to wear. I need your help."

Again the view flickered.

"Okay, got it," Micah said.

Courtney buried her soul again. "You recorded that, didn't you?"

"Of course. This is the moment where the student becomes the master. The Idiot becomes the Wise Ole Sage. You, are now the idiot."

"Hey! I never used your title as a form of insult. At least have the decency to call me Idiot with a capital 'I' instead of a lowercase one."

"My apologies, Idiot."

"Thank you. Now back to the dilemma of my outfit."

"I don't know how you can have the dilemma, I can see a row of clothes behind you."

"I'm not saying I don't have anything to wear, I'm saying I don't know what to wear. Please don't make me more dramatic than I've already decided to be for now."

Micah grinned. All is forgiven. Jeez, I would let him get away with murder for that smile. Okay, logically probably not... Okay, if I'm being honest I'd at least waver for half a second. It's a really good smile. Especially when his eyes do that sparkly thing.

"Are you going to help me?" Courtney asked.

"Cory, you do remember I'm the person you had to tell me what to wear about a week ago, right?"

"Are you helpless when it comes to color combinations and sizing? Yes. But I don't need that. I need help knowing what to wear. Am I supposed to be the hot blonde you're excited to introduce to your friends because they never thought you'd date me? You know so I wear something more scandalous."

Micah gave her a skeptical look. "Do you even own anything that would be called scandalous?"

"No, it's not my style. But I could make something work if that's what you wanted."

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