Chapter 1: The Mistress of Fate

Start from the beginning

"Oh c'mon Raven! It beats sitting around here!" Cyborg said as he and the others headed for the elevator.

"Yeah, Rae, you might actually have fun." The changeling chimed in with a goofy grin plastered on his face. The titan ignored his pestering but still got up from her seat and joined her friends in the elevator.

"That's the spirit!" Raven turned to Beast Boy, raising a very unenthused eyebrow. "...Or not..." He laughed nervously as he ran a hand through his sweaty hair.

An awkward silence fell over the teens as they stood in the elevator and at that point Beast Boy knew it was going to be a long day.

* * *

Three giant tents striped dark blue and silver stood tall amidst rather dry looking trees. Multicolored balloons filled the skies and various people on stilts and in costumes walked around waving to patrons and juggling.

Lions prowled in golden cages and elephants marched around gleefully lifting children up into the air. Inside the tents they were getting ready for a performance.

"Hey, aren't the rides supposed to be in here?" Robin asked one of the men fixing electrical cords. He hoisted the jeans around his waist and adjusted his baseball cap before answering.

"Behind the tents, sonny." At this statement the group of teens turned to Starfire.

"I must have misread it, sorry." The alien princess apologized giving them a weak smile. "Could we still go?" She asked hopefully.

With nothing else to do and being that they were already there, the four others nodded their heads in unison and they headed out into the boiling afternoon.

Behind the tents wasn't any different than what was in front, except there were carnival games and rides decorating the grounds as well as clowns and jugglers.

Pop music blasted from every ride's entrance, the kind that Starfire loved, and the kind that Raven detested. Although it was hot out, that did not stop people from coming to enjoy the various attractions of the carnival, as there were so many crowds.

"Let's go on that!" Starfire was pointing at a boat ride that was sloshing water all over the place.

Raven followed her friends to the ride, but upon further inspection she knew that there was no way she was going to go on it. The boats weren't boats at all but white swans with pink bows around their necks.

"No. I'm not going on that." Raven stated, stopping in her tracks her arms crossed over her chest strong in her decision.

"Why not?" Robin looked up at what his violet haired teammate was staring at and blushed. He didn't notice it until now, but saw why she refused to go on the ride.

A glittery pink heart flashed over a dark tunnel and crimson letters shined above that, spelling out The Tunnel of Love. "Oh." Robin got it immediately.

"Friend Robin...will you go on the swan with me?" Starfire asked hopefully.

"Uh..." She took his stuttering as a yes and before he could say another word, the alien princess grabbed his hand and pulled him off in the direction of the queue.

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