chapter 12: A strange encounter

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(Y/N)'S POV:

After waking up we decided to explore the rest of the island to find any other solution that doesn't involve destroying the moon

(Y/n): This weird burning feeling and I feel like being sucked in a black hole

Then I saw a weird looking necklaces

Morgiana then asked

Morgiana: is everything fine?

(Y/n): I'm fine

Morgiana: every since we got into island you seem to be unease, are you sure everything is fine?

(Y/n): Yep everything is fine

(Y/n): but still who was that girl and the necklaces what was that? Never mind I'll deal with later

But then later in vision I saw a purple sword

(Y/n): OK something definitely wrong first the girl, then the necklaces and now the sword

(Y/n): the more I think about it that's same sword that girl use but I still what to know what does necklaces do? This is hurting my head

Then I mind as my mind was wandering a strange voice appeared in my head

???: hello can you hear me?

(Y/n): huh, who said that?

???: well that's not important right now

(Y/n): OK! what is it?

???: I want you go to further to island

(Y/n): and why should I do that?

???: you will found the answer when you get there

(Y/n): what answers?

???: the answer about your strange feeling

(Y/n): you know about that!?

???: Yes! now hurry is up is in the other side of the island

(Y/n): OK that!

Then I quickly got onto  Soundwave and

(Y/n): Soundwave let's go!

Soundwave: to where?

(Y/n): that's not important let's go!

Soundwave: OK if you say so

And with that both me and Soundwave left without a trance

Morgiana: Hey when did Soundwave go?

Natsu: also where (Y/n)?

Gray: don't tell me they left?

Lucy: When did they go?

Happy; knowing them doing something irrational

(Time skip)

Soundwave: do you when we are going?

(Y/n): Of course trust me Soundwave

Soundwave: OK I'll trust you

(Y/n): the strange feeling is getting stronger

After flying for a while we made we took a break

Soundwave: I'm tired let's take a nap

(Y/n): Sure thing

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