Flustered Akaza

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Akaza didn't want to get up. Douma was still fast asleep on his chest, tucked under Akaza's chin as he clung to him in his sleep like a koala bear. Usually he would just sit up and get dressed, regardless of where the other was sleeping, or how he disturbed him, but this time he just couldn't find it in him to want to. His confession last night had broken a dam inside his head, the mental blockage that had been telling him all those things before about how he should be feeling at the moment, and not letting him hear his actual thoughts and feelings through it. If he had been unsure about his feelings before, the kiss last night had left him with no doubt that it was only love he felt for the blonde, a feeling that he couldn't remember having before, yet his mind responded to the emotion in a way that made him assume he must have been in love before now. Someone in his past perhaps?

He brushed the thoughts aside dismissively as he tightened his grip on the younger demons back, causing him to mutter something in his sleep and shift around for a second before loosing consciousness completely again.  Akaza sighed and rolled his eyes, wondering how long it would take for the other demon to wake. He must have still been tired from the blood demon art overuse, as Douma was usually up earlier than he was. 

After a few more minutes of lying there, Akaza reluctantly sat up and stretched, pulling himself out of bed as Douma made an annoyed noise and dove back under the covers, pulling the duvet over his head. Akaza rolled his eyes again and grinned as he pulled the duvet off, amused by the annoyed expression on his friend- no boyfriends face. 

Boyfriend. Akaza tried the word out in his head, finding he liked thinking of another person with that title. Especially a certain person. That certain person at the moment was hissing like a cat and attempting to pull the blankets out of his hands, but Akaza was still far superior in physical strength. With a sharp tug of the duvet they were both holding, Douma went flying and knocked him over, sending the two of them sprawling onto the bedroom floor with a loud banging noise. After staring at each other for a few seconds, the two burst into laughter as Akaza rose and helped the other to his feet. "You have to get out of bed sometime" he grinned, raising an eyebrow when the taller demon rolled his eyes at the statement. "your copying my bad habits" he complained, earning himself a laugh from the other demon. "Now go get dressed and lets go for breakfast" Akaza ordered. "I'm starving!"


As the two walked into the kitchen for breakfast, Daki waved them over enthusiastically from where she was sitting with her brother Gyutaro, and a very irritated looking Kokushibo. The younger demon was almost vibrating as she bounced in her seat excitedly as the two older demons made their way towards her. "DAD!!! AKAZA!!!" She called, not seeming to have the patience to wait another five seconds for them to walk over to her. "I GOT A RANK TOO!!! ISN'T IT COOL!" Gyutaro sighed as he lifted both he and Daki's cups of blood off the table, where they were shaking and spilling due to the smaller demons enthusiasm. "Muzan sama agreed we could share the upper 6 rank" he explained, sighing when Daki continued her excitement. Douma slid into the seat to the younger girls right and put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, whispering something in her ear until she stopped bouncing and continued to eat her breakfast like nothing had happened. 

Akaza raised an eyebrow and sat down next to the blonde, pouring himself a glass of blood. "Since when were you the children expert?" he asked dryly as Douma gave him a smug grin. "I'm just naturally brilliant" he teased, laughing softly when he received a familiar smack to the back of the head. "so..." Gyutaro started, pushing his food around his plate with his fork. "You two dating yet?".  Kokushibo choked on his breakfast, and Daki looked like someone had slapped her across the face. "You mean you guys weren't already dating?" she accused, crossing her arms across her chest. "I assumed y'all were a couple as soon as i met Akaza"

The striped demon was neon red at this point, attempting to avoid meeting any of the other demons eyes. "It's not like that" he protested weakly, scowling at the other demons laughter at his red face. "Now everyone shut up i have a mission".  As he rose from his seat, he slid his empty plate away from him and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Seemingly deliberating something in his head, Akaza kissed the blonde on the cheek before rushing out of the room in a flustered and embarrassed mess, leaving his dirty plate on the table. "Bai love!" Douma called out after him, giggling at the angry retort he got from the hallway for the nickname. 

Kokushibo stood quietly and gathered up Akaza's discarded plate and put it in the sink with his own. "I would say i didn't see that coming but that would be a tad bit of a lie" he sighed, drying the wet plates with a towel. "And Douma, please tell your boyfriend, and children to clean up their own plates, I'm getting sick of cleaning them all"

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