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Akaza was exhausted and annoyed, sprawled on the couch in the living room with a firm hand on Daki's arm to stop her from running off again. He had spent the whole morning running after her to avoid her getting herself killed by Muzan, Nakime and the sun. When he found Douma they were gonna have a talk about child management that's for sure. 

He let go of Daki's arm to allow her to run to her brother as Douma and Gyutaro appeared in the doorway of the room. Gyutaro had a smug grin on his face, and Douma seemed to be questioning him about something. As he looked at them closer he noticed that the taller of the three looked different than usual. Instead of his usual red Kimono, he wore a red turtleneck decorated with a design that looked like ink droplets, or black blood drips. With it he wore tan hakama pants with a white belt, and a black cloak with some weird purple fabric strips over his shoulders. His silvery hair was wet, and fell past his waist and over his shoulders in half brushed waves and curls. 

As they noticed Akaza sitting there, they stopped their conversation and the blonde broke into a wide smile, running at Akaza and smothering him in a hug as he sat there struggling to breathe. Douma's shirt was awfully tighter than the one he usually wore, and despite himself Akaza felt his face heating up slightly.

Shaking the thoughts from his mind, he smacked the younger in the back of the head and scowled at him. "You need to keep a better eye on your children" he complained, ignoring Daki sticking her tongue out at him from the doorway. "I didn't sign up for babysitting duty thanks very much!".  Douma grinned and waved to the two as Gyutaro shot him a knowing smirk and led his sister out of the room, leaving them alone on the couch. 

Akaza ran his fingers through the wet hair and pulled a rubber band off his wrist as he began braiding the long hair, humming quietly to himself as he worked. It was a part of their daily routine at this point and he didn't mind it. It was peaceful, and he enjoyed the time they spent just sitting there, usually listening to Douma prattle on about whatever was on his mind that day as he worked on his hair. He always made sure to have at least 3 rubber bands on his wrists at all times just in case, as the younger demon refused to carry any himself. 

"I'm sorry for upsetting you the other night" Douma muttered quietly. "It's not fair on you for me to be a higher rank than you when I've only just become a demon". Akaza froze for a few minutes before continuing braiding the hair, considering what to reply. "That wasn't your fault" he sighed, tying the end of the plait with his rubber band. "You saved my life". 

They sat there for a few minutes before Douma turned around so he was facing Akaza on the couch, so close their knees were touching as they sat in silence. Despite being face to face with the other demon, the higher rank seemed to be avoiding eye contact with his friend, opting to look down at the ground instead.

"I wanted to talk to you about something" he mumbled nervously, fidgeting with the damp, silvery braid that Akaza had just finished styling. The pinkette frowned at him, brows furrowed in confusion as he slapped the others hand away from his hair, not wanting to have to redo the plait if it fell out due to the fidgeting. He sounded serious, and nervous. Two things that never happened with the blonde. He really must have something important to say if he had stopped smiling. 

"I've been talking to Gyutaro" he began, opting to fidget with his cloak rather than his hair as he talked, not eager to receive another slap. "he explained some things to me about how I've been feeling recently". Akaza nodded, still not quite sure what he was getting at with this. "And i think I'm in love with you" he burst out, raising his eyes to meet the widened eyes of the striped demon as he spluttered and struggled to reply, his face turning pinker than his hair by the second. "Douma i-, that's not how-" struggling to find the words, Akaza turned his head away and tried to calm his scattered thoughts. 

Douma waited patiently for him to finish, biting his lip nervously as he instantly regretted what he had just said. He felt the warm, metallic taste of blood fill his mouth as his fanged teeth pierced through his lip.  After what seemed like forever, but was probably only a few minutes, Akaza straightened up and faced him again, his cheeks less pink, but still noticeably blushing. "Douma that's not how it works" he explained, watching carefully as the other demons face fell slightly. "For one thing we're both men".  

"Gyutaro said that didn't matter" Douma mumbled, lowering his head to avoid the looks he was being given by the older demon. He didn't think he could bear to see disapproval and confusion written all over his face. "I need some time by myself" Akaza stated, rising from his position on the couch and making his way out the doorway without looking back. As soon as he door closed behind him, the tears started falling soundlessly down Douma's face as he sat there in silence, rethinking over what had just happened. 

He had royally messed this up. 

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