Good morning to you too

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(the pic above is how they were sleeping >:D)

Waking up on schedule as usual, Douma opened his eyes and yawned softly, rubbing the sleep from his pastel eyes as he wiggled carefully out of the demons grasp, hoping not to wake him. It was an unsuccessful effort, as as soon as he raised his head from the others chest, he felt himself being thrown backwards off the bed as the demon sat up suddenly. "Owwww Akaza" he complained, rubbing his head. "That hurt!"

Akaza rolled his eyes and stared down at the man on the floor with an annoyed expression on his pale face. "The hell are you moving around for?! It's too early for this crap" he complained, shooting the blonde an angry look. "And who do you think you are falling asleep on me like that!? I could have killed you for trying, you know!"

Douma grinned and stood up, collecting his cape and hat from the floor as he rose. "But ya didn't kill me" he remarked smugly, ignoring the obvious eye roll he got in respone, as he continued pulling the heavy cloak around his shoulders. "The reason I'm up is that i have to work" he continued. "Not all of us get to sit around killing people whenever we feel like it".

Akaza raised a surprised eyebrow. "You work?" The blonde tilted his head in confusion at the question. "Why must you sound so surprised?" He questioned in a deadpan voice. The demon grinned "well considering you can't even wash your hair it wasn't too hard to believe that you don't work". Ignoring the insult, the taller male placed the crown-like hat on his head and opened the door. "You can come if you want?" He offered hopefully. "It mightn't be as boring with a friend there!".

If looks could kill, Douma was pretty sure he would be dead right now. Though he wasn't the best at picking up facial expressions, The one he was getting was pure venom. "Friends? Who said anything about that?" Akaza spat angrily. "I don't do friends. Especially not with some weak ass human!". Ignoring the outburst, the blonde shrugged cheerfully and swung out the door energetically. "Ok then! See you later Akaza!" He called over his shoulder as the door slammed shut between them. "DON'T COUNT ON IT!!" The demon yelled after him. "I'LL BE GONE AS SOON AS THE SUN GOES DOWN!". He heard the receding footsteps pause for a second after he yelled that. Then with no reply, the sound of socks on floorboards sounded again as the younger male made his way down the hall. Then finally. For the first time since meeting the man, it was quiet for Akaza. 

now what was he supposed to do for the next few hours?

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