The infinity fortress

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There was a dizzy kind of feeling, like the world was spinning and changing before the sound of the instrument was gone and Douma found himself in a place that was definitely not his house. After looking around for a second it was clear that there was something wrong here. The roof looked kind of like a floor....

With a small yelp of surprise, he grabbed onto Akaza tighter and wrapped his legs around the smaller males waist securely as he buried his head in the demons shoulder. "The hell are you doing idiot!" Akaza hissed in an angry whisper. "Get the fuck off me before anyone sees!". "We're UPSIDE DOWN!" He retorted back, gripping the demon's shoulders tighter. "The hell did you do!?". Growling in annoyance, the pinkette pulled at the blondes arms, in an attempt to get him off his back. "It's fine!" He hissed back at him. "You can stand on the roof here without falling". Raising his head up to face him, Douma scowled defensively. "How can i be sure that humans can do it too? I'm not a demon in case you managed to forget!"

Akaza thought for a few seconds before replying. "I don't know the answer to that" he admitted grudgingly. "But you have to get the hell off me before anyone comes over here!". Seeming to sense his companions' nervous agitation, Douma slid off the demons back quietly, gripping onto his pale wrist just to be on the safe side once he reached the ground. He noticed the pink haired male glance over at his hand, but to his surprise, he just rolled his honey eyes and began leading him to a platform in what seemed to be the centre of the strange building, if it could even be called a building. It seemed to go on forever.

Under his hand, Douma noticed the demons pulse quickening with every step as they neared the platform, as a thin layer of nervous sweat broke out on the striped males skin. "Akaza?" He questioned, sounding concerned . "Are you alright?".

It was that question. That simple question that stuck in his mind. He couldn't remember the last time someone had asked him if he was alright. Certainly couldn't remember anyone asking him anything in that genuine tone. Not a mocking one, not a terrified or nervous one. But a tone that made him believe that the teenager wasn't just asking to be polite. He genuinely wanted to know if he was ok. It was at that moment where Akaza decided he would do everything in his power to keep this human alive and with him. Whatever it took.

"Akaza" he persisted stubbornly, seeming to not notice the thick scent of danger in the air around him. "Where are we going?". Ignoring the question, the uppermoon sped up, dragging the blonde behind him before he could ask any more questions that he didn't want to answer. There was no use in hiding him or running away before the meeting started. He would be found and killed in an instant if they tried. So it was better to try and reason with the demon king. And hope he didn't die for it. This was totally gonna be fun. Not.

"Long time no see Akaza dono!" He heard a familiar voice call out to him. "What's it been 40 years?". Akaza rolled his eyes and slowed his pace slightly. "No, Gyokko dono it's only been 14" he corrected the lower rank. Before he could walk off he felt the warm weight leaving his wrist suddenly. Whirling around on his heel to grab the taller male back he felt his blood run cold. Standing right in front of his friend was the only demon ranked higher than him.

Feeling his mind run twice as fast as usual with panic, he grabbed onto Douma's thin wrist as he had done to him a few minutes before, and pulled him away from the higher rank hurriedly. "I apologize Kokushibo dono" he started nervously. "I-" "Hello!" Douma greeted him enthusiastically. "I'm Douma! Nice to meet you!'.

Akaza cringed internally as he dug his nails into the blondes hand roughly to try to shut him up before he got them both killed, releasing his nails hastily when he felt the warm river of blood pooling around his fingers and dripping onto the floorboards. Seeming oblivious to his hand wound, Douma held his good hand up to the taller demon, who stood in place silently, the same look of shock on his face that Akaza must have had when he first met Douma. He seemed to have that effect on every demon he met.

After a short pause, Kokushibo extended his own hand and shook the human's smaller one, to the lower ranks utter shock. "Kokushibo" he answered, in that same quiet tone he always spoke in. Releasing his hand, the ravenette turned to face the smallest of the three. "Is this a new addition to the upper ranks?" He questioned. "He seems to be quite fearless thus showing a lot of promise".

Akaza shook his head stiffly in response to the question. "It was a mistake that he is here,'' he answered as he dug his nails into the wounded hand again, a silent warning to keep quiet. Kokushibo's six eyes scanned the dark puddle that was appearing on the floor and then back to the unflinching face of the human. Not a single wince of pain, nor hint of fear was seen in those unusual rainbow eyes of his. How interesting. He had never seen a human nor demon other than Kibutsuji himself that had looked at him without fear upon meeting him for the first time. Nor had anyone ever greeted him like that before, as if they were equals. He couldn't wrap his head around it. But now it was clear why his fellow uppermoon was so protective of this human. He must have made the same impression on him.

Before any of them could utter another word, the twang of the biwa was heard once again as two other demons were teleported to the platform alongside them. Their names came to his mind quickly. Hantengu and Kunari.

The pinkette pulled at Douma's hand once again, but upon glancing down at it, released the bleeding hand guiltily as soon as he realized just how much damage he had accidentally done. Being more careful this time, he pulled at his unmarked wrist, urging him to stay away from the rest of the high ranked demons. It would have been a death sentence. Anyone in this room could simply flick a wrist and kill the human without a second thought if he gave them half a reason to bother.

Without a word, the small horned demon scuttled to the side of the room, where he got an enthusiastic greeting from the colorful uppermoon 5.

Gyokko, thankfully hadn't seemed to notice Douma's presence earlier which was a small mercy that would hopefully stay that way for the rest of the meeting. Unfortunately he wasn't so lucky as to divert attention away from him completely.

Uppermoon 3, Kunari was glaring at him, in the way she always did, like she was continually sucking on a lemon, or since she was a demon, a piece of rotting meat. She was a menacing 6'7in stature, towering over even Kokushibo in height, with skin as black and smooth as tar, almost blending in with her dark navy , sleeveless jumpsuit that ended just above her knees. Her waist-length white locks made Doumas own platinum white braid look almost dirty in comparison. As she glared at the striped demon through heavy lidded, silver eyes with the kanji for 'upper 3' written across them, signifying her rank as one below his own.

The glare she gave him made Akazas lips curl up into an animal-like snarl as he bared his fangs at her. She was the only woman, demon or human that he would have gladly slaughtered without a second thought. She was cocky, sure of herself and a complete bitch to everyone she met, higher rank or not. Even Muzan himself hated her guts. The only reason she was even alive was because of her immense strength and incredible blood demon art.

Her favorite thing to do was trash talk Akaza about how she would surpass him easily if she really tried. Which was actual bullshit because if she had that power, she would have already surpassed him. It made his blood boil that he couldn't hit her back and she knew it. One of these days he was going to snap and break his vow to never harm women.Then he would probably cry for a week and punish himself for doing so. Either way she would have won.

If anyone in this room was going to kill or harm Douma it would be her. She would probably do it just to hurt Akaza, knowing her, and then laugh about it for decades. Which is why he would do everything in his power to keep her away from him. And he meant anything. This human was one thing she was not going to take away from him.

But before she could open her mouth to say anything, Nakime spoke from her pedestal. "Muzan sama has arrived"


Name credits to @abcdefghiloveusokk for the name idea for uppermoon 3 Kunari! thank u all sm for ur amazing name ideas!

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