Love at last <3

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Akaza couldn't think straight as he lay back on his bed, hand over his face as he thought deeply about what had just happened. The confession has caught him off guard, and he deeply regretted not handling the situation better than he had. Did he love Douma? Honestly he wasn't sure. The thought had crossed his mind a few times but he had dismissed it, assuming the other would never feel the same towards him. Sure he loved spending time with him, and even though the blonde annoyed him to death at times it just felt wrong when he wasn't around. The constant hugs and other signs of affection he received from the higher rank were irritating at first, but now he had grown to like it, and though he never told Douma this, he was grateful for them. He hadn't had affection like this since... well ever as he couldn't remember his human life. Most of the other demons were all too scared of him to try to get close to him, and the other uppermoons weren't really the friendly type. That's part of the reason he had fought so hard to allow a human to live with them. He gave Akaza the comfort he never had, and above all, his only friend outside of the uppermoons.

It was clear by now that the both of them would risk their own lives for the other, and at the back of his mind, Akaza wondered if the willingness to do so was a weakness in himself. But for once in his life he didn't care if this made him weaker. Though he had never felt this way towards a man before, Akaza knew exactly how he felt by now. He just hoped the offer of dating was still open. 


Confessing was the stupidest thing Douma had ever done. And he had done plenty of stupid things in the past. Stupider than trying to befriend Kokushibo when he was still human, stupider than speaking to Muzan as if they were equals, and stupider than challenging a demon 4 ranks higher than him. He was angry at himself for being so easily convinced to tell the striped demon how he felt without thinking of the consequences that might have followed. That was his problem. Well one of his many problems. He didn't think. And now he might have put a wedge in the best, and only friendship he had ever had. Way to go Douma.

He shook his head to try clear those thoughts out of his head and sat down onto the floor, leaning his back on the leg of the sofa. Being negative wasn't going to do anything for him. It never had before. All he had to do was go apologize. The idea brought a smile to his lips as he thought it over. He could just say he was tired and wasn't thinking straight. Or he could say it was a joke. Or he could pretend to not remember what he had said at all. Better to just give Akaza some time to cool off before appearing in their bedroom to apologize. Getting to his feet, he wiped his face dry with the back of his hand and left the room to find Kokushibo. He hadn't annoyed the older demon in a while so he was overdue by now after all. 


Douma stumbled into their shared bedroom 4 hours later and promptly collapsed face down on the bed, tired out of his mind. Akaza put his book down reluctantly and heaved a sigh of annoyance as he guided his friends head over to his leg to lie properly, smiling despite himself at the hum of approval he got for the action. "Why are you so tired?" he questioned dryly, shifting a bit as Douma rolled onto his back and stared up at him from his lap. His eye bags were darker and more prominent than they had been this morning, and his face was chalky pale. "The other uppermoons wanted me to demonstrate my blood demon art" he mumbled tiredly, stifling a yawn. "I'm still not very good at it yet so it took a lot out of me".

Akaza rolled his eyes and huffed in frustration. "No more of that until your fully recovered" he ordered in a huffy voice. "I gotta train you how to use it properly first". Douma giggled and clasped his hands over his chest as he fought to keep his eyes open. "Yes mom" he teased, expecting the smack he got as soon as the words left his lips. He sighed quietly than said nothing for a few seconds, not wanting to ruin the moment. Than after a few minutes of deliberation he spoke. "Akaza about what i said earlier, i'm sorry-" He was cut off suddenly by something he didn't understand at first. Time seemed to slow down as the older demon bent his head so that their faces were almost touching, before reaching a hand behind his head and pressing his lips against his own. It was completely different from anything Douma had experienced before, and he could feel his cheeks heating up as he closed his eyes and just enjoyed the feeling. It made him feel warm, loved. And for some reason his stomach was fluttering, almost as if there were mini butterflies inside his chest. Was this what Gyutaro had called a kiss?

Gently, Akaza pulled his face away and removed the hand behind the blonde's head as he just lay there, dazed. The pink haired demon was blushing madly by now, but managed to compose himself enough to switch the light off and lie under the blankets, lying silently until he felt the comforting warmth of the other demon cuddling into him as they did most nights to sleep. "did that answer your question?" Akaza whispered softly, holding back a laugh when he saw the confusion turn to realization on the younger demons face. "Gyutaro asked me if i wanted to kiss you when i told him i was in love with you" he muttered quietly. "So if you kissed me then-" Akaza sighed and pulled him closer, nestling his head on the soft silvery blonde curls as Douma moved his head to lie on the lower ranks chest. "Yes Douma, it means i love you" he replied, hardly containing his smile as he heard the exited squeal from the demon in his arms. "Now go to sleep" he ordered. "You need it"

Connections- A Kny story of uppermoons 2 and 3Where stories live. Discover now