Family <3

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Douma had been out for 7 hours, and he had to admit that being a demon was pretty cool. His first victim was a middle aged female, who he followed for about 45 minutes before he mustered up the nerve to kill her. It just didn't seem right to kill somebody, and it took even longer for him to eat the woman no matter how hungry he was. He ended up dragging her along with him for about 3 hours as he killed more humans and tried out his new abilities before he was hungry enough to take a tentative bite out of one of her legs. Surprisingly it was pretty good and tasted similar to a mix of beef and pork. He knew firsthand by now that human food was inedible for him at this point, as when he attempted to eat some onigiri he stole, he threw up all over the place within seconds of consuming it. It was not a pleasant experience and left him hungrier than before. 

He had noticed a few other demons scurrying around the area, and thought about approaching one for help with handling his new powers, but once they noticed the number in his eyes they left him alone and sprinted away without a second thought. He had never really understood what it meant to be an uppermoon until now. To have everyone be scared of you, even your own kind. It was no wonder Akaza and the other moons had let him live. They must have been lonely. The thought comforted him somewhat, having felt like a burden most of the time due to his weakness and humanity. It was good to know he could have helped make his friends less lonely. 

Except now he could do that and defend himself well. For reasons he could not understand, the demon lord who had always despised him, had made him an uppermoon, ranked 7th strongest demon in the world. Within a few minutes of becoming a demon. He had mentioned something about potential and a large power aura. Frankly Douma couldn't see where he got that from. He couldn't even activate his blood demon art. If he even had one. Maybe Akaza could show him how to do it later, when he got back. 

His attention was drawn from his thoughts by the soft sound of crying nearby, and the weak scent of two people, one no older than 12 or 13, the other maybe a young adult.  It had begun to snow by now, and the life force of the younger child had started to fade out almost completely. Despite not being able to see them, his new demon senses picked out the smell of burning clothes and flesh. 

Dropping the half eaten woman he had been carrying, the blond turned the corner and stood over the two shivering figures on the ground. The taller one was male, unhealthily thin, with a scraggly mop of green and black hair, tattered clothes, and a large birthmark splashed over his nose and cheeks. He seemed to be cradling the smaller form of what appeared to be a young female child, features unrecognizable as she had seemed to be burnt to a crisp. The fact that she was still breathing was a miracle in itself.

Kneeling down to the shivering figures level, Douma attempted to give a comforting smile. If the boy was disturbed by the blood all over his face he didn't show it. He was crying so hard it was a wonder he could see through the tears clouding his lopsided eyes. Wordlessly, he put a hand on the boys shoulder and guided his head up to face him. Surprisingly he did not bite his hand for doing so. "Is that your sister there?" he asked, withdrawing his hand once he felt a sharp slap to it from the obviously scared teen. "I can try to save her" he persisted, thinking back at the few times Akaza had mentioned turning demons to human by giving them blood. Demon could regenerate. If he made the girl a demon she could heal herself and not die. As an uppermoon he should have the power to do so, even if he was just a newlyturned demon. 

As the sentance left his lips, the green haired boy snapped his head to face him, and quickly pushed the body of his sister into Douma's own hands. "Do whatever you can please!" he begged him, tears spilling even faster than before. "I'll pay you anyway i can, she's all i have left!".  Giving a comforting pat to the head, douma shook his head and took the smaller girl in his arms. "No payment needed, now what's your name?" he asked.

"I'm Gyutaro, and she's Ume" he muttered, eyes followed the demon as he pulled up his sleeve and sliced a clean, deep cut down his own arm, drawing quite a lot of dark blood. Cupping the girls head in his hands once again, he opened her mouth and forced some of the blood down her throat, ignoring the horrified gasps of her brother next to him. 

Just as he was about to protest, his eyes widened in pure shock and relief as the burn marks started to retreat, revealing long, waist length white hair, and pale skin. Ume opened her eyes and gasped as her iris turned from a bright blue, to a lime green with some pink speckled in there. Flower like, pink tattoos appeared on her face  as the ends of her white hair turned the same lime green as her eyes. Douma quickly removed his cloak and wrapped the shivering girl up in it as her body started to grow out of her clothes, getting taller and older looking until she had the appearance of an older teenager, similar to her brothers age. 

The green haired male was speechless, as he stared in utter shock at his newly revived sister. She looked older, and slightly different but there was no mistaking she was still the same girl. Turning to Douma in shock and gratitude, he gestured towards his bloody arm, which had already stopped bleeding. "What- how?" he stammered in confusion. "Can i-?".

The demon smiled, and dripped some more of his blood onto the younger boys outstretched hands. "Of course, would be a shame if you remained human while your sister lived forever as a demon wouldn't it?" he reasoned. Ume had fallen asleep in his arms, holding the thick cloak around her shivering body as she slept peacefully, exhausted from her near death experience. 

"Demon?" Gyutaro questioned, still holding the blood in his hands carefully. "Who are you anyways?". Douma smiled again and rose to his feet, extending his free hand to help the younger boy to stand. "My name is Douma" he responded. "I'll be responsible for you and your sister from now on". The girl in his arms opened an eye shakily and yawned. "Like a dad?" she asked, seeming to have no trouble accepting this stranger as a parental figure. 

The blonde giggled and patted her head. "If you want". he looked down at the green haired teen, who, surprisingly was about 5'10 tall. "I'll explain everything just don't worry" he assured the younger male. Gyutaro stared at him for a few more minutes before relending and drinking the blood in one go, frowning at the horrible taste. "Thank you sir" he mumbled, wincing in pain as the transformation began. Taking the teens hand in his own, Douma began leading him towards the infinity fortress as he twitched and groaned every few seconds. 

He didn't know if he was allowed to turn random humans into demons. or if he would get in trouble with the master for it. But he knew one thing for sure. He recognized a desperate soul when he saw one. In a way, the siblings reminded him of himself, a year ago alone in that temple, just waiting to be saved by somebody. Now he could be the parental figure he wished he had growing up. He barely knew them, but he will protect these kids with his life. 

Connections- A Kny story of uppermoons 2 and 3Where stories live. Discover now