Blood battle

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Art above belongs to the incredible @zelrossa0xO (Idk why it didn't tag sorry :>)

It's so good istg- very, very impressed  >-<

Also i suck at writing fight scenes so please forgive me :>


Akaza was nervous. More than nervous actually. Despite having done it just a few minutes ago, he was nowhere near comfortable with hitting a woman on purpose. Even if that woman deserved it.  But if he didn't he would loose his rank and be teased even more mercilessly than he already was by the lower rank. Loosing was not an option. He had no idea how strong the younger demon was, nor what her blood demon art was, thus putting him at a disadvantage. But he had the higher rank. He was over 3 decades older. He had this battle. 

Taking a breath to push his nerves away, he told himself quietly that his vow didn't apply right now. It shouldn't hold him back. Once he won this he would never have to hit a woman again. Besides he could always punish himself after the fight, maybe a hand in the sun or something. All he had to do was get her eye. Once he had that it was over. Shouldn't be too difficult for a close range fighter such as himself. He would have to overcome the height difference somehow, as  the 6'7 demon's face was far out of his reach. He could do it. Easy.

As he stepped out into the 50 foot diameter circle, the edges glowed with power. A barrier stopping anyone else from interceding. The arena was a simple circle shape, half of it was walled, the other half a simple red line on the wooden floorboards, where spectators could stand. He had been in this ring once before. When he fought Kokushibo for the top rank and lost. he could only pray the outcome would be different this time. He should have the upper hand in the end. 

The lower rank was already there, waiting for him. A 6 foot pole in her hands, a sharp looking point at both ends. Strange weapon of choice for a demon. Most just relied on their blood demon arts, or if they were a past samurai or swordsman, a sword. Akaza's mouth turned up into a grin. The pole could indicate her demon art was weak. get the weapon out of her hands and he could win this. 

Muzan stepped out of the ring, a bored look on his face as he settled down in the only chair on the sidelines. Kokushibo stood to his right, Gyokko and Hantengu together on his left. That bothered him slightly. If they were all here than where was Douma? He was snapped out of his thoughts quickly when the demon king uttered a single word. "Begin".

Instantly, a sharp gust of wind almost knocked Akaza off his feet as he hurriedly dived to the side, planting his feet on the wall next to him and jumping over the spear that would have imbedded him in the neck. With one clean motion he brought his foot up and kicked her head off as he jumped, landing steadily on the ground beside the lower rank. His landing followed by a blood shower as the taller demon growled and sent out another gust of wind, pushing the pinkette back a few meters but doing no real damage. Ah. A defensive blood demon art then.

Akaza cursed himself as the two fought further, spear against punches. When he had the chance he could have disarmed her. Kicking the head would do nothing for him when he needed the eye. Now the two were in such close combat the use of his blood demon art was near impossible. Despite her size she was fast, but he was faster, dodging blows with ease as the two demons fought ferociously. 

Kunari swung and missed, taking off a few of the smaller demons fingers as he rolled under her legs and came up standing behind her, plunging a fist right through her stomach from the back, and earning himself a satisfying groan of pain in response. Swiping behind her, the silver eyed demon swung the spear and connected with the side of the striped demons head, knocking him off balance and forcing him to retreat his hand from her back, which quickly regenerated. 

The other uppermoons watched intently from the side, eyes following their comrades all around the arena as they battled. It was difficult to tell who had the upper hand at this point, but it was extremely interesting to watch. Best entertainment they had in decades that's for sure.

using the attacking spear as a launching pad, Akaza jumped off it and reached a hand towards the lower ranks face. There was no way the spear could come up to hit him before he reached her face, it was pushed too far back by the impact of his jump. This was it. it had been a good battle but he was to be the successor. Then the wind picked up.

Just as he grazed the younger demons eyelid, he felt himself being pushed back, with a desperate strong wind. This was obviously the last of the weaker demons strength as it mas much stronger than the rest of the ones she had used earlier in the battle. Flying through the air, Akaza dropped and rolled, coming up almost 30 feet from where he had been standing before, ears popped from how high he had flown. Despite not liking the younger demon, he had to admit it was an impressive move. Just not impressive enough. 

Kunari was swaying on her feet, silver eyes unfocused and bright white hair a coal black. An impressive final attack form. But now her defense would be weakened. he had won. 

That was, of course until he noticed the trail of blood running down his face. Single eye widening in terror, he clawed at his socket, shaking and pale when he noticed there was nothing where his left eye should be. Smiling gruesomely from across the arena, Kunari raised a shaking hand up in the air to reveal the dripping golden eye he was missing. 

She must have grabbed it out of his face while he was tumbling back through the air, that was the only explanation, Akaza thought frantically. A risky move but it worked. before he could charge at her again, the glow of the runes subsided as Muzan rose from his chair. "Seems there is a shifting of the ranks" he announced, no clear emotion evident in his blank voice. 

Everything else blurred to background noise as the pinkette fell to his knees, chest heaving with the attempt not to cry in front of everyone. He had lost. And he was humiliated. 

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