Junpei Catchup :)

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Love dis boy so much here you go (also comment some stuff you wanna see :) )


School Projects:
◇ Very smart, you're lucky to be partnered with him
◇ Shy about calling out your mistakes, so you have to be like sir plz for the love of god
◇ Quiet when presenting, to the point where people are like (what are you saying???)
◇ Knows how to do the fancy slide transitions 
◇ Poor baby his hands are shaking when he gets up to speak
◇Ur just looking at the crowd like say something I dare you see what happens

Love Language:
♡ Touch + words of affirmation
♡ This mans LOVES to cuddle, literally all day every day
♡ Watching a movie together? Cuddles. Reading books together? Cuddles. Doing homework? Cuddles. There is no end to how much he loves being around you and snuggling up to you.
♡  You know he's shy and self conscious about a lot, so hearing you say nice things to him makes him tear up a lil
♡ You saying how much you love and cherish him is guaranteed to make him be like bABE :')
♡ Sometimes you pass by him and you just say hi love you and keep going and he's like YEAH THAT'S MY PARTNER I LOVE THEM SO MUCH  

Tattoos + Piercings:
☊ Right now, no, he's got to much going on to think about it :( in the future, yes
☊ Not really into tattoos, but piercings HELL YEAH
☊ Thinking about getting an eyebrow piercing but has to ask Yuji his opinion first
☊ Would definitely get ear piercings if he wouldn't get teased for them :(
☊  Considered getting a cosmetic tattoo to cover the scars on his forehead and now ur crying
☊ After being around Mahito for a bit, he's more into the idea of tongue piercings and stuff because edgy 

Taking Care of Baby Them:
❥ Will go out in the garden to play and come back and give you a leaf he found because he thought it was cool
❥ Will just walk into the room and look at you and ur like ?? and he just goes luv u :) and leaves
❥  Your heart is melting straight up you're holding back tears as he wanders off
❥ Smart kid like Megumi, so wants to read a lot
❥  His fav time of day is when you tuck him into bed and read him a bedtime story and give him a kiss on the head
❥ Him and Yuji are just that one video of those two toddlers running toward each other on the sidewalk and hugging because they missed each other :') 

Vines They Quote:
☺(that one vine of the dude throwing it down to heart and soul on the piano)
☺(beefing with Sotomura) WHAT the fUCK IS Up kYLE? NO, StEP the fUCK UP dUDE STEP THE FUck up kYle
☺(hanging with the jjk squad on the way to a mission) We in this BITCH. Finne get CRUNK. Eyebrows on FLEEK, da FUCK
☺(showing up to juju high to see Yuji) I love u bitch I ain't ever gon stop lovin u.... biiiitch
☺(watching Dagon hang in the water) SQUIDWARD (dagon: ?? :) ) DAB
☺ (finally ditching Mahito) suck my ass cause ur no... good and better than everyone else

Would They Punch You for $1 Million?
﹡Absolutely not
﹡Under no circumstances would this happen he is too good boy for this <3

Pickup Lines:
❣ "If being sexy was a crime, you'd be guilty as charged"
❣ "..."
❣ " :) "
❣ "..."
❣ "Okay, but like, do you get it babe? Cause-"

Taking Care of a Child:
▹Lowkey would stab anyone who's mean to his child argue with me
▹Dad of the year, he is ON IT
▹Head of the PTA; already made enemies with another mom in the group but oh well
▹Runs the most stressful school fundraisers he's literally like a dictator 
▹ Everyone's just like "I thought you were nice :'("
▹ Cut throat bitch at his children's sports games; will pick a fight with a five year old
▹"daddy why is that lady crying?"
▹" don't worry about it sweety, we don't associate with people who BUY THEIR COOKIES AT THE STORE"

Helping Hand:
⎔ Of course he would help you, he is best boy
⎔ Really shy about it, but makes sure you know all the good places to cry and you two are in solidarity like I won't say anything if u don't
⎔ Someone bullies him in the halls and you're like i'll get you and i'll make it look like a bloody accident OuO
⎔ Shows you where a little frog family lives out in the courtyard
⎔ Makes you a homemade gift to welcome you :')
⎔ Makes sure to warn you about kevin the coffee mug stealer >:(

They Kabedon You:
❁ Poor boy is QUAKING in his boots
❁ Literally you can see the sweat forming as he stands there trying to think of something to say
❁ "Um... hi :)"
❁ "(unintelligible muttering)"
❁ " I don't know what you just said but I love you :)"
❁ Yuji definitely told him to do it

⥾ He latches on to you and just curls up by your side 
⥾ Loves to fall asleep with you hugging him back so you're face to face in case he wakes up having a nightmare so he can see you :)
⥾ Little spoon to the max
⥾ Sometimes he'll just come lay on top of you and stay like that for a while cause ur comfy
⥾ LOOOVES when you hug him in any way shape or form like if you are holding that boy he's YOURS no doubt
⥾ Makes him feel like he's safe and protected <3

Nervous Ticks/ Habits:
☘ Def a nail biter and skin picker
☘ Doesn't do these thing on purpose, it just kind of happens when he starts to get too stressed
☘ You see him fiddling with his fingers a lot and you know somethings up
☘ He'll scratch the same spot on the back of his hand until it's red and you have to stop him before it bleeds 
☘ The nail biting is kind of a stim thing where he just needs to feel like he's doing something to get rid of his nervous energy

Deaf Reader:
✭ He knows what it's like to be an outcast, so you two warm up to each other immediately
✭ Learns sign language from you so you two can talk
✭ Literally the only time you've seen him mad is when someone bullied you he went OFF
✭ A bit nervous at first that he's going to mess it up, but the longer he does it the better and more confident he gets
✭ After a few months of being with you, it's almost like second nature to sign

Trying to go Grocery Shopping with Them:
◌ Timid boy hates going out but offered to do it this one time only
◌ You ask him to grab something off the shelf and he hands it to you like he's presenting you a gift
◌ Won't stop staring down the lady giving out free cheese cubes and ur finally like babe... go get one
◌  Overwhelmed by the choices this is why he uses doordash
◌ The check out clerk asks him something and he's standing there contemplating every single answer he could give like o-o and the cashier is just like... um ok 

Proposal Prank/ Misunderstanding:
◌ You two are out for a walk and you see a shiny rock on the ground 
◌ Crow brain engaged
◌  You kneel down to get it and struggle to unzip your pocket to put it in
◌ He's just standing there like :) what. are. you. doing.
◌ You stand up and show him the rock and he's both relieved and very upset
◌  "I thought you were gonna propose, but that's ok :("
◌  Ur just like kk no we'll go to the ring store right now sir  

Your Wedding:
♡ Definitely one of those people to have a themed wedding
♡ Probably something movie related like hollywood glamor or sumn
♡ You two are decked out and he sees you walking down the aisle and straight up his heart almost stops
♡  He is crying, but nobody say anything >:(
♡ Yuji's in the audience crying louder, so it's okay, nobody will really notice
♡ He got lights that are all twinkly and stuff and look like stars and your are VIBIN
♡  Takes you to a cute little cottage after the whole thing is said and done <3 

❦ Movie date obvi
❦ Takes you to see a new horror movie he's been waiting for and is STOKED
❦ Lowkey pays more attention to the movie than you, but that's ok
❦ Knows the popcorn guy, so gets a free bucket and is like "Yes, I am a god"
❦ Baby is too focused on the movie to notice you trying to snuggle cause ur scared
❦ Will. Not. Stop. Talking. About. It. 
❦ You two go out for dinner after and he is BUZZING
❦ It's ok tho cause he's cute when he's so excited and you love him even more <3 

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