Vines They Quote

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What vine(s) do they constantly refer to? **swearing**


☺That was legitness :)
☺ Staaahp, I coulda dropped my croissant :(
☺ I wanna be a coooowboy baby, I wanna be a COWBOY BABY
☺ (Gojo trying to teach Yuji to used cursed energy: what does that SAY anaya?) WHWAAH? (NO???)
☺ (and they were roommates!) Oh ma gawd, they were ROOMMATES
☺ (this kid gonna knock himself out) *Yuji hitting his head off a metal doorframe to wii music*
☺ today is gonna be the day that ur poop isnt sooooft~~ :)
☺ ...s fruit (megumi: yeah, but whats not healthy?) mOM GET MY NUTS, GET MY NUTS >:(
☺ (Nobara pumpin some tunes: give it to me im worth it-) JONES BAHBACUE AN FOOT MASSAGE JONES BAHBACUE-

☺(get on top of the fridge) THIS HOUSE IS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE
☺ And in here, TWO shots of vodka *stares at camera as he pours the whole bottle out*
wut the fuck... is this allowed?
☺ So basically, um, what I was thinking of was *gets punched by Sukuna* AW FUCK I CAHNT BELIEVE YOU'VE DONE THIS
☺ (Watcing Mai diss Yuji) Bro, whut thu fahck? sheh cahnt du thaht to yu? 
☺ I saw u hanging out with KAITLYN yesterday (yuji: r-rebecca! it's not what you think!!) I WONT HESITATE BITCH

☺ Lookit all those chicken <3 :)
☺ (Maki: WHATD YOU DO???)  I shaved :) ma eyebrows :) (WHY DID YOU DO THAT????)  I :) don't know! :)
☺*talking to Yuji* Hey, I'm lesbian (I thought you wew amewican???)
☺ No off topic questions. Because I don't want to. No, NO. Permission denied. That's an off topic question. Next? You have been stopped
☺(who's the hottest uber driver youve ever had?) Um, I never went to oovoo javar
☺ hi this is my impression of shakira when the waters too hot (huyayYAYAYAY)
☺h̶i̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶i̶m̶p̶r̶e̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶s̶u̶k̶u̶n̶a̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶n̶ ̶Y̶u̶j̶i̶ ̶t̶r̶i̶e̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶t̶r̶o̶l̶ ̶(̶h̶u̶y̶a̶y̶Y̶A̶Y̶A̶Y̶A̶Y̶)̶

☺ *crashes through wall during fight and sees Megumi* Hey Ron, Hey Billy
☺ Hahaha I do that
☺ (Nobara: Stop puttin so much stuff on your lips!!) StAhP pUtTiN sO mUcH oN (Nobara: Stop it!) StAhP iT!!!
☺ Give me your fACKING mONEY *law and order theme plays*
☺ *eats food* mmMMMM CHICKEN!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 :)
☺ Whats up me and my bros are gonna go see uncle crackerGIVEMEMYHATBACKJORDAN u wanna see uncle cracker or no???
☺ *Fergie flipping across a stage* hoohyoYO hoohyoYO
☺ Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?

☺*sees someone rip a fat vape* wow
Hey how much money do you have? Idk like 69 cents. Oh! You know what that means ;) I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)
☺ The vine of that seal in a pool playing the saxophone
☺(psst) w h A T??
☺ And his name is JOHN CENA *plays two recorders with his nose*
☺ WHO AM I?? lets go to the beach eech :) ......... ninki minjaj ;)
☺(little girl goin wil) :p :) *blows out lighter*
☺ Sometimes I like to pretend I'm tall but I'm just standing on a chair ://

☺Hi, I'm Panda, and I'm your freestyle dance teacher *goes absolutely apeshit*
☺ *running up to Yaga* d-addy? DO I LOOK LIKE????
☺ *That vine of the guy going ham on his recorder in LA traffic*
☺ It is wednesday my dudes aaAAAAHHHHHHHHH
☺ (whatre thooose??) th-theyr called ma sanduls :)

☺ What, so no head?? *pretends to throw phone on the ground* *accidentally throw is fr and cries*
☺ Road work ahead?? uh yeah... I sure hope it does!
☺ I'm Isaiah and I dO NOT FUCKING LIKE SAUSAGE *runs away and trips*
☺ Man I love friendship, almost as much as I love MYSELF
☺ (Alright kids we're gonna make letters out of macaroni) Um, i already know the alphabet -u- (oh really? say it) lmnop
I wanna a church girl who go to church <3 <3 aAND READ HER BIBLE

☺ (its free real estate)
☺ Aw man I would but I just got too much to do tonight :/ *cuts to him playing get ready for this on the piano and drinking a beer*
☺ Oh yeah wait a minute mr post man (Gojo in the back: hyeEAAAAaaahhh)
☺ Country boy I love youuuuu *blahlh*
☺ (head spinning around i cant see clear no more~) *screaming *WHAT ARE YOU WAITIN FOOOOOR
☺ ah care about you here's some pinecones on a stick
☺ When theres too much drama at school, all you got to do is walk aWahaYahYay

☺ If you think he even knows what vines are, my man-
☺ Will accidentally quote something he heard Yuji or Gojo say and wants to die after he hears it coming out of his mouth
☺(Drunk Nanami learns about vine) IM WASHIN ME AND MA CLOTHES, BEETCH

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