Opposites Attract || Megumi x Reader

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Warnings: None :)
Genre: Fluff/ General
Rating: G
Pronouns: Gender-neutral/ NB
Reader Notes: N/A :); going back and reading this while editing makes me want to unpublish it


You and your boyfriend had now been together for roughly a year, give or take a few weeks, and the company he was working for had scheduled a holiday party to celebrate the end of the year before all of the employees went on their designated two-week vacation.

Being one of the security guards, Megumi didn't spend a lot of time interacting with others in the company, which he preferred, but thanks to his supervisor, he was expected at the company party. You were also adamant about going, wanting to finally meet the people he worked with.

When the night rolled around, you had to drag him out to the car as he complained, not wanting to have to interact with his colleagues more than he had to, getting in the car with a pout on his face. You two drove in silence, a smile plastered on your face as you thought about what the night would hold. Who were the people he worked with? Would they like you? What was your boyfriend like at work? Was it different than when he's at home? You had so many questions you wanted answered, absentmindedly bouncing your leg up and down as the excitement filled you.

Megumi parked out front, handing his keys to the valet who looked like he had been hired just for the night. Holding the door open for you with one hand, the other outstretched for you to grab onto, you popped out of the car, admiring the glitz of the skyscraper you were entering, loosely holding onto your boyfriend as you entered. The two of you rode in the elevator, the ever persistent sighs coming from your boyfriend as he dreaded what was about to happen. When the doors open, you had to do everything you could to keep your mouth from dropping. This was where he worked?!

Beautiful people in equally as dazzling clothing mingled with one another, laughter filling the air here and there as jokes were told, the champagne that was being handed out only making the awkward interactions more bearable.

"Ah, Megumi! Glad you could make it! And who is this pretty thing?" A tall man with white hair and a pair of sunglasses on greeted you two, smirking at your eagerness, and the contrasting dread Megumi was giving off. It really was night and day when it came to your personalities.

"This is my partner, (Y/N). (Y/N), this is my boss, Gojo." Megumi sighed as he introduced the two of you, hoping that your matching chaotic energy would be enough to keep the two of you distracted for most of the night. While you chatted with your boyfriends boss, Megumi waved down a waiter with a platter of full champagne flutes, handing two to Megumi, one for him, one for you. Instead, he downed both of them, asking for two more as the caterer grimaced at him. Once he had taken a few centering breaths, Megumi joined you again, handing you a flute and watching you sip away at it, enthralled with the conversation you were having.

"By the way, you have a great sense of fashion. Where'd you get that?" Gojo flattered you, looking your outfit up and down as he gave praise.

"Oh, this? Ha, just some random store, nothing too fancy!" You blushed at the compliment, smoothing down the fabric self-consciously as you felt more attention being brought to you.

"Hi, sir! Hey, Megumi!" A pink-haired boy popped into the conversation, a wide smile on his face as he interrupted. Megumi took a long sip of his drink, barely raising his hand to wave to the pleasant man.

"You must be Yuji, yes? Megumi mentioned working with someone with pink hair! I was very curious to see you in real life!" You admitted, studying his adorable face. He had two little marks under his eyes, wondering to yourself if they were scars, but refraining from asking in case it was a sensitive topic. You could have sworn you'd seen an eye peeking out at you, but you attributed it to the small amount of alcohol you'd had.

"Wow, Megumi talks about me?! That's so cool! Are you his partner? He doesn't like to talk a lot, but I saw his phone screen a few times. The picture of you two is cute." Yuji gave a closed eyed smile to you two, a stupid grin plastered on your face as you rejoiced in knowing that although not outwardly the most lovey-dovey person,  your boyfriend still cherished you enough to make your face the thing he saw when he opened his phone.

"I am! I had no idea that was his lock screen, I love that!" You gushed, holding onto your boyfriend's arm, leaning on his shoulder and smiling sweetly at him.

"Yeah, well... It makes me happy seeing your smile." He mumbled, turning away as the edges of his ears tinted pink, obviously flustered by your discovery.

"Wow, Megumi, you two are so different!" Yuji commented, laughing as he watched Megumi scowl and stand stiffly, the juxtaposition of you, smiley and swaying lightly back and forth to the soft music, making it obvious how different your personalities were.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" He irked, raising an eyebrow at his co-worker.

"Oh! Uh, nothing..." Yuji trailed off, his eyes darting around as he avoided Megumi's stare. Your boyfriend decided to narrow his eyes at the man instead of looking away, creating unneeded tension.

"You stop that right now." You whispered to him, your brows furrowed as you stared him down.

"Can we go yet?" He groaned, fiddling with the edge of your outfit. You could tell he was getting tired already from the minor interacting he had to do with others, but it was wearing on him greatly.

"Babe, it's barely been an hour! Not everyone has even showed up yet!" You complained, noticing the tense look on his face. Megumi was too stubborn to admit it, but he definitely had a bit of a social phobia. Being in large groups of people he didn't know well, being forced to speak with them; that was his literal nightmare. Picking up on his body language, you sighed, kissing his cheek as you placed your empty glasses on a passing platter.

"Sorry to cut things short tonight, but I'm not feeling so hot. I think maybe I had a bit too much champagne!" You lied, adding in a joke to hopefully mask your lame excuse.

"Oh no! Well, feel better!" Yuji wished you and your boyfriend goodnight, giving you a polite hug before wandering off to mingle with the others.

"Go home and get some rest!" Gojo waved to you two as you walked through the front doors of the company, you waving back to him with a soft smile on your lips, Megumi not even bothering to turn around. When you got in the elevator, Megumi put a hand to your forehead, feeling to see if you had a fever. Confused by his actions, you leaned back slightly, giving him a quizzical look that he shot right back.

"What? I thought you said you weren't feeling good?" He asked, raising his hand once again.

"No, I'm fine! You just seemed uncomfortable with all those people, so I figured giving an excuse like that would make it so we were able to leave without any complaints." You giggled, wrapping yourself around his arm. A slight smile ran across Megumi's face as he shook his head, leaning down to kiss the top of your head.

"Thank you. I know I'm more introverted than you are, so I appreciate you doing this for me." He murmured as he kept his face snuggled into your hair.

"You know what they say, babe. Opposites attract." You looked up, giving him a quick peck on the lips as he smiled down at you.

Words: 1291

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