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*Readers pov*

Joel: Y/N?

Conner looks at me, his eyes has tears, shock, anger, hatred, brotherly love and dispair.

He quickly blinks his eyes, only showing anger and hatred, knowing deep down he's also in dispair.

I go pick up my gun but Joel gets shotgunned to the kneecap, Tommy gets knocked out by a slamming of a metal revolver repeatedly.


Seeing Joel get shotgunned in the leg, it really fucked me up. Seeing him in pain, the same man who was there for me for everything...I have to do something!

I reach for my M4A1 instead, knowing it's much closer on the floor but Conner smacks me, throwing me in the middle of the room.

I stand up.

Conner: Leave him to me. Y/N. After everything, Y/N?! I am your older brother! Without me you wouldn't be alive! I saved you! I TOOK CARE OF YOU!!

He chokes on sadness and anger. I am too.

You: Leave them alone! I will kill all of you!

We begin going in a circle.

Conner:...Leave, Y/N! One chance!

Abby: Conner! You made a promise!

They both look into eachothers eyes.

You:...It had to come like this if you won't back down. Fuck you, Conny. After everything we went through and because of this whore we kill eachother? Fine.

I punch him as he gives a punch to my face aswell. We stumble back, bleeding.

Conner: I have a Fiance, Y/N! Fiance! I have a family that you were meant to be apart too! I was so happy! Look what you did!

You: Joel and Tommy both saved my life too! Not just you! They don't deserve this.

Conner: They killed someone more important than you...

We both stop...

I look him in his eyes.

Conner: Mother and Father hated you for a good reason...You don't know the true people who's been there for you, helped you and put up with you.

He's really good at hurting my feelings. This is his tactic in making me drop down so I can either join him, or most likely to kill me. I can see he still has a part that doesn't want to kill me but it's to no avail of anything.

Conner: I changed you, taught you, loved you and searched for you. This is how you made it end. I prayed for an angel to save you and he did, this is how you repay your older brother?

We both begin fighting, punching and exchanging blows into our organs.

Until, I grab his throat and begin choking him. I feel something sharp impailing my stomach.

I look down slowly, seeing the knife Conner is holding inside of me. My blood drips down his hands that'll be hard to wash off, also the memories of killing your younger brother.

I weakly speak, looking at him in the eyes.

You:...You couldn't have fought fair, Conner?...You knew you were going to lose that quick?...Really, big bro?...Really, Conny?...Why?...

He slowly lowers me down to the floor as he kneels next to me.

He stands up, almost crying but hatred tries to battle his remorse. He see's his little brother, stabbed. He remembers sudden memories of us growing up, seeing my hand in my bleeding wound that is overtaking my shirt and staining it.

He pulls out his revolver, pointing it to my head, trying to end this whole thing whilst choosing Abby over me.

The door flies open with Ellie going to shoot but gets tackled down from behind the door. Her arms get locked and shes immobilized face on the floor, looking and taking in how Joel is shot, Tommy is knocked out and how I'll die.

Ellie: Tommy!! Joel!! Y/N!! Stand up! Please!!

She looks at Joel. Abby picks up a golf club that was passed to her. Although, ignoring Ellie pleads and threats, she begins to hack into Joel brain with it.

Ellie: JOEL, NO!!!

You: JOEL!!!

She cries as Abby doesn't stop. Joels life is fading away after each hit until theres nothing there.

He's dead...

I can't mourn as the scenery changes back to me and Conner. He hovers over me, pointing a gun at me.

Ellie: Please!! Please don't take Y/N too!!...Please don't!...

She cries deeply.

I share a look with her.

Ellie: Please, I love him with all my life...Please, stop doing this...Why?! I'll fucking kill you all!

You: I love you, Ellie...

Ellie: I love you more...We'll make it out...

She cries harder.

Conner:...I hate you...lil bro

You:...I hate you more.

Blood pours out the side of my mouth as my stare into his soul doesn't stop.

He puts his foot on my ribcage making the blood from my mouth fly back into my face as he points straight into my forehead with the barrel.

He clocks the revolver. I spit out the blood in my mouth as I stare him down in pain.

You: Pray for me to die this time...Or else I'll come back to kill you...

He pulls the trigger.

*Ellie pov*

The shot rings out and the bullet goes through the top of his skull as Y/N dies.

Me: NO!!!

I cry out, trying to move but unable to. I feel powerless...losing my whole will to live.

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