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*Readers pov*

You: Don't fucking shoot, idiots!

???: Who are you calling an idiot?! We will fucking kill you!

You: It's because I come in peace, retards.

I lower my hands.

I extend my back, many of them look like adults.

???: Where are you from?

You: Few hours away down the hill. That's why I'm here. I saw some people come in here and came to ask if you wanted shelter. We have a base at Jackson.

???:...You're from Jackson.

You: Thats what I said. Are you deaf?

???: You got a real attitude. Put your hands back up!

I have my Cutter mask on. This house far from Jackson had this group.

You: Or what? You rob me? Is this what this is? I could kill you all-

???: No fucking way...

A man comes out with a similar mask to mine.

You: What are you? A big fan of me?

Conner: I'm Conner... Who did you steal that mask from?

You: Is it your fucking business?

He comes out the house with aggravation in his eyes, dropping his guns to fight me fist to fist. I drop mine too.

You: I'll fucking kill you.

He's a full adult whilst I'm in my 19s or something like that.

We both roll our sleeves up, showing our forearms.

He goes to hook me but I duck and go to punch the side of his jaw but he moves back with speed.

He's fast like me.

You: Come on, old man.

He goes to drop kick me but I move past, grabbing his legs and using momentum to throw him on the floor.

I get ontop of him and start beating the shit out of him. He throws me over and starts punching me.

I block and stun him with a punch to the nose.

I put my hands around his neck and start to choke him, he does the same.

I put my leg behind his and throw him down, proceeding to beat the ever loving shit out of him.

He pulls me to the ground as the others are watching in awe.

Connor: Who did you steal that mask from?!

His deep voice is menacing but not for me.

You: It's mine! Ever heard of me?! Cutter!! I am Cutter, motherfucker!

I get ontop of him, ready to fuck him up.

Connor: Don't lie! Do you know who I am?! I'm Slasher!

I stop, looking at him weird.

You: Who?

There's silence.

Connor: Slasher..."The maker of Widows"...No?

You: I have no clue.

Connor: Well, brother. We got much to catch up on.

He takes off his mask, he has brown hair and brown eyes with (Y/S/C) skin.

You: What?...

Conner: I missed you so much...I worried so much for my little brother. I see he's still got a bit of kill in him.

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