Chapter 21: Blackout

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—---------------------------------------------------------"We gotta act fast," stated Shiro

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"We gotta act fast," stated Shiro. He explained, "The power will only be down for 20 minutes. The blade of Marmora's schematics showed four targets we need to hit. The weapons systems, the engines, the bridge, and the shield generators. Now let's put an end to Zarkon, once and for all."


"Form sword!"

Y/n got a bad feeling from this but shurgged it off. Voltron flew forward with sword in hand.
"Stay focused. We've neutralized the engines. Let's target the bridge." Said Shiro.

Before they can do that, voltron looked down. Lance asked, "What is that?" But they turned back to only get hit by the black Thunder bolt. Everyone but y/n were screaming from this. Y/n noticed that she was getting tired due to voltron losing it's power and energy.

Y/n fell down onto her back from this and rests her eyes.
3rd person? Sorta
Coran yelled, "Paladins! Can you hear me?" It was just static. Coran narrows his eyes and turns to Kolivan, "I thought the virus shut down all of Zarkon's power!" Allura intervene, "That blast was not from the ship's weapons. It was magic." "It must have been the komar," said Kolivan.

He explained, "Zarkon has been trying to develop a device to extract the quintessence from planets. It appears he succeeded." Coran questioned, "If it destroys planets, what did it do to the paladins and y/n who's the heart?"
Allura spoke through the speakers, "Paladins! Shiro! Y/n! Lance! Can you hear me?" It was just static until Shiro responded, "Yes, princess. We're alive."

"Oh, thank the ancients!" Sighed a relieved coran.

"Is voltron operational and is y/n alright?" Asked allura in worry.

Hunk tired to move his lion, "It's not working."

"I can't move my lion," grunted keith.

Coran said to them, "You've been hit with some kind of witchcraft that draws the quintessence out of you. You need to get out of there! Another blast like that and you may not survive!" Keith Retorted, "Y/n isn't responding, this is bad!" Lance then looked up then asked, "Wait. What's that?"

Allura said out of worry, "You must hurry and get moving. Remember your training. Remember all the battles you've been through." Shuri grunted trying to move voltron, "Y/n and Voltron's still not responding."

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