Chapter 15: Getting ready

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(Just me skipping like 6 episodes in season 2 since y/n was found before starting in 7th episode so yeah, bla bla bla stuff happens when you were gone but y/n was chill)

(Just me skipping like 6 episodes in season 2 since y/n was found before starting in 7th episode so yeah, bla bla bla stuff happens when you were gone but y/n was chill)

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Y/n just crossed her arms as Shiro states, "Okay, look. I now know for certain that zarkon is tracking us through the black lion. We have to find some way to stop him." "How are we gonna do that?" Questioned pidge. Allura said worried, "We've never had this situation before. Two paladins battling for the same lion." "Well, unless we want zarkon taking control of voltron every time we get close... I'll have to forge a new bond with my lion. One thats stronger than his." He turned to coran.

Coran began speaking, "Well, while you're working on that... the rest of us need to find some new teludav lenses... otherwise we won't be able to travel via wormhole." Hunk outs a hand on his chin, "Is that something we have to make order?" "Does anyone even make those anymore?" Questioned Keith as y/n shurgged.

Allura answered, "I don't know." Everyine turned to her with coran holding his chin. "Only a few alteans could us the teludav 10,000 ago. They may not exist anymore." She looked to Lance as he looked to her as she turned away (finally I could do this). Coran then said, "I think I may know where we can get some."

Everyone looked to the big screen that coran began to show on the thing as he typed stuff.

"Coran!" Yelled allura. Allura scolded, "You're not suggesting going to one of those filthy swap moons? Last time you went, those space pirates took you for everything you had." "Space pirates?" Questioned Lance.

Coran explained, "The unilu were traders and pirates that roamed the galaxies and dealt in black market goods. Umvy spice, by-tor water, little bottles of Infinity vapor. Of course, you had to bargain. No one could bargain like the unilu. Last time, I ended up giving away three quarters of my shipment of lango... in exchange for a used pogo oscillator." Allura only chuckled saying with a sad smile, "Father was not pleased about that."

Lance decided to slide over to allura with a smirk, "Well, while coran is picking up his lenses..." He leaned near her, "I'll take you shopping for something sparkly." That's when coran popped between them glaring at Lance as allura calmed herself as she looked concerned, "This isn't shopping! You're not wandering around saying... "What a lovely pink hat! This is so becoming."" He puts his arms up in a cross like an big X, "No! I can't allow allura to get anywhere near those filthy, low-lying Unilu hoodlums."

Coran crossed his arms as allura puts her hands together, "But I'd love something sparkly." Coran stopped crossing his arms as he looked to her, "Look, you're the only one who can operate the castle. You need to be resting after all you've been through." Allura groans in disappointment. Y/n just looked into space.

As coran coughed a bit, "Now, let's ready a pod for our mission. We need to get in... find the scarultrite lenses and just get out." Lance ran forward, "Shotgun!" Hunk followed in suit, "What? No, you have to be in the pod bay to call shotgun." Pidge followed as Lance yelled annoyed, "Since when?"

Keith just walked following them as hunk stated, "Since forever? That's shotgun etuquette! I wrote the book." Y/n shrugged putting her arms behind her head and followed them behind Keith.

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