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"Have you ever heard of the seven deadly sins and their demons?"

"They are 7 demons, each one represents a sin. Lucifer represents pride and is the ruler of hell and the most powerful.  Mammon represents greed. Leviathan, envy. Satan, wrath. Amadeus, Lust. Beelzebub, gluttony and Belphegor represent sloth."

"However, some people say there is another one. One that disappeared. It doesn't have any depictions, and also no fixed name. It is the loss of control, Insanity, and not having the will to do the right thing."

"It is unclear, and rarely mentioned. Anyhow, don't you think this is an interesting subject?"

"It is. But I am not superstitious, I don't know if I should believe it or not." Akuji replies to her superstitious best friend, Kylie.

"I know you aren't, but I also know you like the ideas of hell and heaven and gods and so on," Kylie replied unenthusiastically. "No. I would like to know more about how our universe functions, who runs it, the judgment system and basic philosophy."

"Are you saying philosophy like I know what it means?" Kylie sarcastically replies and places her hands on her hips.

"Yes, Kylie," Akuji replies and lays her head on her desk with an exhausted sigh. "Are you ok? You look exhausted." Kylie points out with a little boob to the side of Akuji's head. "Ji. Jii." Kylie mused with a grin, poking at Akuji's head.

"Wake up, little Ji. Your bestie Kylie is in town!" Kylie proudly shouts and places her hands on her hips again. "Answer me, Ji," Kylie demands.

"I just didn't get enough sleep. Only 2 hours of sleep. I spent all night studying them I watched some anime." Akuji whined, regretting her decision.

"Well, live with it. Also, have you heard of the new transfer student?" Kylie asks changing the subject in a matter of a second.

"How nice. Also. I don't give a fuck." Akuji curses, attracting the attention of her classmates.

"Are you guys talking about the new student?" Oscar spoke, and Akuji looked up at him. "I heard there is more than one."

"What do you mean more than one?" Kylie asks, intrigued. "There are 2 new students, and 2 more transferring to our class from other classes."

"The other 2 also requested to be transferred to this class. Also, rumours say they are quite devilishly handsome." Oscar continues.

"Hah. Like any of you are. It feels like this class is a magnet for ugly guys." Akuji retorts and stands up. "I am going for a walk li. See you later."

"Walk? We are in the middle of class you idiot come here." Kylie demands and crosses her arms. Ji places her hands in her pockets and shrugs. "No can do. I am just gonna leave. There's nothing useful to learn here anyway."

"We are in high school. You need a high school degree for college you dumb bitch." Some of the classmates crack up at that and Akuji shuts them up with a glare.

"Yes, I do. But guess what? All my grades are A+. And my attendance is still mostly intact, it can take my absence for one day." Akuji retorts and strides for the door.

Suddenly she bumps into a wall and falls backwards catching herself she looks up at the bastard she is ready to beat up.

"The fuck." She mutters and takes in the person in front of her. A 6'4 tall body stands in front of her. Blonde messy hair and sharps amber eyes, staring her down.

"Pardon." The person speaks,  his voice deep and with a bit of gravel, and a British accent. "May I help you?" He spoke again bending down to match Akuji's height and look her in the eyes.

The Devil's Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن