Chapter Thirteen: Death & first times

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Caroline woke up her alarm blaring in her ear she turned it off and stretched out she headed to the bathroom she brushed her teeth she got in the shower and washed her hair for 30 minutes she grabbed the blow dryer, blow dryer comb, comb, hair ties, gel, and rubber bands she blow dried her hair she combed it out and then when she finished she put rubber bands in her hair and she braided her hair then she put gel in her hair then she put on a blue shirt and blue shorts she grabbed her custom necklace that says her name

she got a text from Elena E-"come to boarding house now!" C-"okay on my way" Caroline put on her necklace she grabbed her car keys and phone she walked downstairs she had 2 blood bags then walked out the house she locked the front door and unlocked the car she hopped in she drove to the boarding house when she arrived she knocked on the door Elena opened the door Elena said "hey Care..." Caroline said "hey Lena" they walked to the living room Caroline saw Tyler dead Hayley crying she thought how didn't I hear her? she must of just started crying Caroline ran to Tyler she said "I'm sorry Hayley..." Hayley said "he can't be dead, he can't" Caroline said "Hayley" Klaus came in the room

Caroline said "who did this" everyone looked at each other Damon said "Klaus did it" Klaus said "love, let me explain" Caroline said "no, Klaus let me explain you have put me in a situation where I have to defend you again, where I have to bend my morals again, and where I have to go against everything I believe again you don't get that everytime you do some fucked up shit to my friends guess who are they looking to explain why you did that me because they'll only get it from me not you ever Klaus and it's because despite everything I l-" he kissed her cutting her off he was the one to let go he said "then stop" she said "Klaus I can't tbecause I always will chose you, after everything we've been through don't you see that despite all the shit you put me and my friends through I'm with you, you killed Tyler! now I have to comfort his girlfriend and apologize for you actions just leave Klaus right now I don't wanna talk to you or even argue about you killing Tyler"

she walked back to Hayley she said "Hayley I'm sorry, I know how bad it hurts to lose someone you love" Hayley said "it's not just that I'm pregnant how am I going to do this alone we're having twins girl and boy I found out yesterday" Caroline said "congrats Hayley" Klaus left Caroline said "I'm really sorry Hayley he shouldn't have done that he was being a ass but now I have to go if there's anything let me know" she said "ok"

Caroline walked out the Salvatore's she drove to the Mikaelsons she knocked on the door Rebekah said "hey care what you doing here" Caroline didn't respond she walked in the living room she saw Elijah, Kol, Freya ,Katherine, Keelin, and Vanessa Caroline said "where is he" Rebekah walked in the living room they all pointed up stairs Caroline walked upstairs then she went in his room she closed the door she said yelling "Klaus why did you kill Tyler what the hell he has kids on the way and I have to deal with the mess again yesterday it was poor girl on the side of the road now Tyler what the hell is going on"

Klaus said "love, nothing is going on" Caroline said "yeah you know what I should have expected it you are never sorry about anything but yeah goodbye Klaus" she walked to the door she was about to open it Klaus said "don't turn your back on me" she said letting a tear fall "I should have gave up on you a long time ago" she stormed off she walked downstairs

Caroline walked out the house she drove to her house she walked in the house she saw her mom she said "mommy, he killed Tyler this time" Liz said "sweeties it's okay" Caroline said "he was one of my friends that I've now lost thanks to the guy I lo-" Liz said "you can't be it hasn't been that long" Caroline said "what mom?" Liz said "your in love with Klaus" Caroline said "I'm not in love with Klaus he's the I want though" Liz smiled at her daughter lovingly Caroline got a called Caroline smiled she grabbed her phone with quickness it was Elena Caroline said "hey Lena" Elena said "hey Care" Caroline said "wyd?" Elena said "nothing but just wanted to check in you?" Caroline said "at home I just got from Klaus's why?" Elena said "nothing love you" Caroline said "love you too" Elena said "bye Care Stefan's calling my name" Caroline said "ok bye Lena"

Elena hung up Caroline broke down crying she said "mommy, Tyler's dead Klaus hasn't called me, and everyone is acting like everything is okay I can't do this anymore please teach me how to get over this" Liz hugged her daughter she said "it takes time baby don't forget that"

an hour later
Liz left for work after Caroline convinced her she would be okay Klaus stilled hasn't called Bonnie came over to talk and then she had to leave after a while Caroline was just tired she fell asleep on her bed Caroline got a call waking her up he said "hello love" she said "hey Klaus" he said "where are you Caroline" she said "home" he said "I'm somewhere" she said "where" she heard a knock on the door she vamp sped downstairs and quickly opened the door to see Klaus with her favorite flowers he came he said "I'm sorry for killing Tyler"

she said "I forgive you but don't kill my friends or exs okay..." he said "I won't" she said "thank you for the flowers" he said "your welcome" she pulled him in for kiss she said putting her shirt on "I'm still mad okay" he said putting his pants on "ok" she said "but was it worth it" he said "what do you mean?" she said "all the chasing and waiting?" he said "perfectly worth it" she blushed he smiled showing his perfect dimples they kissed again

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