Chapter Six: Home

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The flight attendant woke me up she said "miss it's time to go" I said ok I grabbed my bags and then walked off the plane I went in the airport I called Stefan he said "yes" I did are you busy? he said "no just watching tv" I said ok can you pick me up from the airport he said "yes Care but you need to talk to Klaus first he just got back with his bestfriend" I said I will talk to everyone just not until I get home he said "ok Care" he came and picked me up he drove me to my house I called Damon I said Hi Damon I'm back tell Elena and everyone to come to my house at 1pm he said "first welcome back blondie two ok I will" he hung up I called Bonnie she said "hey who is this?" I said this is Care she said "your back" I said yeah I have something to talk to you about? I'm scared to tell you or anybody she said "ok..." I said come over ok she said "ok... Care" I hung up after 20 minutes she arrived I heard a knock I vamp sped downstairs I opened the door I camp sped her to my bedroom I said hey Bonnie she said "hey Care spill it" I said I kind have feelings for someone who was there for me when Tyler broke up with me I kissed him it felt so good she said "let me guess Jeremy" I said no she said "Damon?" I said no she said "Charles" she said "Kam" I said yelling no! she said laughing "relax I know it's Klaus it's ok our friends will be ok with it" I said Bonnie I love you she said "I love you too" we hugged then she said "you need to tell him" I said no! she said "come on" I said no she dragged me downstairs and took me outside I only allowed it because I didn't wanna hurt her she said "car now" I said fine she drove us to the Mikaelson mansion we got out the car she knocked Klaus opened the door he said "love when'd you get back I didn't expect for your plane to arrive so early" Bonnie said "what you mean" I said I only told him when I was coming back she said "anyways Caroline had something to tell you" Klaus said "what is it?" Bonnie went in the car he let me in the house then he closed the door I said Klaus I have something to tell you he said "go on" I said Klaus I can't do this I want to I aborted the house I got in the car I said couldn't tell him she said "it's ok let's go" I said ok she drove us back to my house I decided to eat ice cream we  had our own tubs I ate mine I said I just can't understand why I couldn't tell him she said "because you were nervous" I said I know but like it's kinda weird we went upstairs in my room she is staying the night we fell asleep talking

an hour later
me and Bonnie woke up to people knocking on the door I walked downstairs I saw all my friends I opened the doors they all ran to hug me Damon wasn't here I thought it was weird I said where's Damon? Elena said "he went to the Mystic Grill" I said oh I hugged everyone back we all started talking we talked about everything

at 3pm
I said hey Klaus he said "hello sweetheart" I said as I was handed a drink did you have a good flight he said grinning "yes but you can't stop thinking about our kiss can you" Tyler said "you kissed him!" I said are you mad that I'm moving on or that I kissed Klaus because either way it doesn't concern you and everybody started clapping then I grabbed my drink and threw it in his face I said you like the drink good doggy go fetch Hayley maybe she'll throw you a bone then I rolled my eyes he left angry Klaus looked at me with amazement I blushed I looked down to hide it but I could feel his eyes on me I looked up I saw one happy original hybrid I smiled then I got another drink drank it the left I decided I had to or I would admit it right then and there I almost fell but someone caught me I knew it was Klaus I said thanks he said "next time love don't drink so much your a light weight" I pouted I said I am not! He chuckled at me then he took me home I went in the house to hear Bonnie snoring I'm guessing she woke up when she heard the door close she ran downstairs she said "your back" I said I am then my 4 year old sister came down she was blonde just like me with freckles she has my eyes she ran to me she said "sissy" I said hey Lia she said "where were you?" I said I was in France, Paris she said "cool you should have brought me!" I said chuckling but you have school and I couldn't take you away from I am sorry I didn't say goodbye now since it is official summer what do you say go to the water park soon she said "yes!"

 I said how about you see my phone don't call anyone or text anyone ok go to your room I unlocked my phone and gave it to her she went to her room I turned to face Bonnie I said I don't know I like him alot but idk how to really feel about that I am messed up but what about Kol she said blushing "we're doing great like he left but he said he has to stay something to do with Klaus" I said worried what is it what happened is someone trying to kill him ? she laughed at me then we went upstairs and talked for a while then Liana came in the room she said "sissy some guy named Klaus wants you" I said hand me it she handed me the phone he said "love" I said "yes Klaus" he said "I have to go" I said Klaus what are you doing he said "I thought you wanted me to leave" I said not caring Klaus don't leave he said "love I have to my siblings are counting on me to go" I said fine ok bye he said "goodbye love" I hung I said Bonnie what if he leaves forever he's leaving me she said "he's going to come back for you he can't stay away from you remember you spent months in denial of your feelings I think he's always known but was just waiting for you to admit it and for you to be ready to and he has to leave for him and his family they need to bond again they've been daggered" I said you're right I need to chill he'll come back beside my drama what do you wanna talk about? she said "Elena and Damon broke up" I said not surprised shocker they broke up last week 

Bonnie she said "they need to break up to for real this time" I said I don't have time for their drama I always try to fix it I'm done so don't let them call me for advice anymore I told her dating Damon was a bad idea then Liana came in she said "sissy Elena is calling you" I said called it Bonnie then she gave me the phone I said yes Lena you and Damon broke up she said "I don't know he killed some poor innocent girl can you give me some advice" I said Elena I'm dealing with a lot of stuff but sure she said "what should I do about it we argued about right or wrong" I said tell him your sorry you knew he feeds from the vein before you started dating him don't expect him to change you knew he killed his meals expect for moi but besides that you knew it's time to accept that you knew who he was before you started getting with him I love you but say your sorry ok she said "care why would I say sorry he should" I said yelling Liana cover your ears Elena I told you what to do you need to own up to knowing who he was before you started dating him ok say your sorry! and maybe next time stop trying to change him completely because you fell in love with him for who he is not who you want him to be or maybe you should have listened to me and broke up with Stefan don't be with Damon either I gave you this advice months ago you always call me with your breakups with Damon and honestly most of the time their your fault because you always go back to repeat the cycle he killed Jeremy again you break up with him Jeremy comes back from the dead you go back to him like damn it pick one because honestly I'm tired of it you just don't understand I just got back and are dealing with drama I left behind being stupid

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