Chapter Eleven: Confession

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AN: the last chapter was inspired by a Wattpad user I can't remember their name but shoutout to them if you know their username and tell me
Caroline woke up her alarming blaring in her ears she turned it off she managed to get up she stretched then went to the bathroom she brushed her teeth she grabbed the pink hair dryer, 5 hair ties, pink comb, the blow dryer comb, and hair curler she sat it in her room then she got in the shower for 30 minutes she washed her hair she wrapped a towel around her she put a towel on her hair she walked in her room she separated her hair and put it in the hair ties then she used the blow dryer when she was done using the blow dryer she combed her hair, and she curled her hair she put all the stuff up then she put on her pink strapless pleated dress

Caroline walked downstairs with her phone in her hand Caroline vamp sped to the kitchen she had 3 blood bags then she grabbed her car keys she drove to the Mikaelson to talk to Rebekah she arrived she walked up to the door she knocked on the door Klaus opened the door he said "hello love" she said sweetly "hello Klaus" he moved out the way to let her in she went upstairs she headed to Bekahs room Caroline knocked on her door Rebekah opened it she said "finally" Caroline said "girl stop being dramatic" Rebekah said "whatever come in" Caroline came in Rebekah sat on her bed Caroline closed the door and sat on Bekahs bed Rebekah said "why don't you wanna tell him" Caroline said "why are you saying him were alone you can say his name but because of Elena and our friends expect Bonnie and Stefan they already know" just then Elena and Bonnie came out of Rebekah closet Rebekah said "tell Elena the secret" Caroline said "that's why you didn't say his name you wanted me to tell Elena, Bonnie and Rebekah a moment" they nodded

she took Bonnie and Rebekah out the room she said "I can't tell her she would be mad they tried to kill her and I'm not ready to lose my bestfriend not now, especially after everything that's happen it would be hard" Rebekah said "sure you could lose your bestfriend but atleast your living your truth and what if she doesn't end up hating you but still doesn't like him so what" Bonnie said "she'll be okay and you'll be okay if she doesn't accept it but she probably will so just tell her Elena is our bestfriend she supports my relationship"

Caroline said "she doesn't know your dating him" Bonnie said "you're right I'll be back" Bonnie went in Rebekah's room after 30 minutes she came out Bonnie said "she supports me and Kols relationship she'll accept who you have feelings for and if you tell him you'll have a relationship with too" Caroline said "ok I'll tell her" Caroline, Bonnie, and Rebekah walked back in Caroline said "Lena, we have to talk sit on the bed" Rebekah said "we'll be here to calm anyone down" Elena said sitting down "ok what is this about?"

Caroline said "I have feelings for someone" Elena said excitedly "who is it?" Caroline said "don't be mad but it's Klaus" Elena said "what the hell Care, how long?" Caroline said "since the ball where Esther wanted to kill them, wait but I have to say this if I do tell him I won't be forced to chose between the two of you because he makes me happy and it's crazy because it's been months since that ball and I've kept it hidden because your my bestfriend and Tyler was my boyfriend I didn't wanna hurt you or him, but doing that hurt me keeping it hidden from you, from our friends, and from him" Elena said "what the hell it's Klaus Care!" Rebekah opened the door

Caroline said "yelling "I know but I can't keep hiding it anymore because I really really like him more than any other guy and it's because the way he treats me you don't get to see the goodness in him and honestly you and Tyler were the reason I kept it secret because I didn't wanna hurt you guys, but I'm done with Tyler and I've told you and I want him I always wanted a guy that treats me the way he treats me but I always thought I didn't deserve it"

she continue "Klaus makes feel like the only girl in the world so Elena you can either accept it or stop being my bestfriend and I don't wanna lose you because that would crush me but don't try to make me chose because I don't think I would survive we already lost so many people to death do you really wanna lose me" Elena said "no" Caroline and Elena hugged each other Caroline said "Lena I love you"

Elena said "I love you too" what Caroline didn't know Elena was apart of the plan to tell Klaus which Klaus was suppose to be in his room not in the hall Elena said "go to him" Caroline said "what do you mean?" Caroline turned around to see Klaus she said "how much did you hear" he said "pretty much from when you said I know to now" she said "Klaus pause this moment" he said "so you can kill them" Caroline said "how do you know me so well already"

Caroline chased Bonnie, Elena, and Rebekah Bonnie said laughing "we're sorry stop" Rebekah said laughing "Care stop you should be thanking us?" Elena said "yeah you should be thanking us" Caroline said "really, says the people who made me confess my feelings without my knowledge" Rebekah said "ok out my room I'm leaving which means you all have too" they all left her room then Rebekah closed her door Bonnie headed to Kol's Elena left the house Caroline leaned in their lips crashed together

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