Chapter XIV: Hospital To Home

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Listening to Suhani's accident my nerve wrecked and my Brain went blank and even I couldn't stop myself from falling to my knees. A few minutes went by in despair but after that, I made myself strong and Said-

"Stop your tears Tiya and go catch your flight. This is the time Suhani need you the most and you are wasting it crying here. Make yourself strong and believe in god."

She stood up, wiped her tears and said "what about you? Aren't you coming?"

I hold her hands and said "I gotta get tickets! I will be there as soon as possible."

The next morning I took the flight from Delhi and reached Kolkata. The whole Journey I felt pessimistic. I tried to calm down my overthinking brain but it wasn't that easy.

On reaching the hospital I went hurriedly to the room she was assigned by the hospital. I saw that Suhani was lying on the bed with her eyes closed. She might have fallen asleep. There were a few bandages wrapped in her legs and arms. Tiya was sitting beside her pillow keeping one of her hands close to her chest and patting with another hand. Tiya was now looking less frightened but there were blemishes of tears over her face and she was still wearing her wedding dress. There was an old man with a doctor's outfit sitting on a chair in front of Suhani's bed. I understood that he was the dad of Suhani. Seeing me he asked

"Hey boy! Are you Adil?"

To which I replied "yeah Sir! I am Adil."

"It's great Adil! Suhani was telling me to call you yesterday but I didn't want to give you trouble so I didn't call."Uncle said.

"I had to come, uncle! How is she?" I said

"Come outside! She had just fallen asleep." Uncle said

We both went outside the room and sat on the outside chairs.

"How did the accident happen?" I asked

"She was returning to her flat from her dance academy with her scooty. A guy was driving his car rashly and in a turn, he couldn't control his car and banged her scooty." Uncle replied.

"Oh shit! How is she?" I asked

"She hasn't got any major injury. Just a few scratches and blood loss. I have talked to the orthopaedic department. They have said that there is a mild fracture in her left leg but she will become completely cured within a week." Uncle replied

The load on my heart decreased while listening to his words and so I replied

"Thanx god for keeping her safe and for not giving any traumatic injury."

Uncle peeked inside the room and said-

"Adil! Go and tell Tiya to freshen herself and eat something. She had been sitting like that entire night."

I went to her and told her to freshen herself but she didn't answer anything. I could understand her pain so I hold her arm and said-

"Hey! Suhani is alright. You don't need to worry and if you keep yourself like that you might fall ill. Go change your dress I am bringing something to eat."

She cleared her blemishes and went towards the washroom. I also went outside the hospital to get something to eat. I got puri-daal in a hotel with which we both completed our breakfast.

After an hour Suhani opened her eyes and seeing me she asked-

"Oh! My macho man when did you arrive?"

"Just an hour ago! How are you?" I asked

"I am always better babe! Actually, God was kinda jealous of seeing me and Tiya together so he wanted to drag me up but you know what I have won, um sorry We have won! Fuck you, god!"

Seeing her screaming like that Tiya silenced her mouth by putting her finger on Suhani's lips and said-

"Babe! be calm don't say such things. Nobody can separate us."

Seeing those lovebirds together I kinda felt wholesome and started to think about my love life which never existed.

The whole day Suhani went on talking, sometimes Tiya would Join her but most of the time it was Suhani whose Voice I could hear. I asked Tiya "what happened why suhani has become so talkative today" to which she replied

"She must have got bored here laying in hospital so she is Just trying to break her boredom."

In the evening, Uncle asked me for coffee to which I agreed and we both went downstairs for coffee. While we were having coffee I and uncle had a clear conversation. He told me about his early life and how tough it was for him to grow up a daughter without a mother. I also told him about our friendship and how I got close to her. Uncle's conversation skill was so good that I couldn't believe that I have met this person yesterday.

After finishing the coffee he said "Suhani Doesn't like hospitals and she wants the hospital to dispatch her. The hospital won't have any issue dispatching her but Tiya will get into trouble If she gets dispatched. There is a lot of work now in the hospital so I won't be able to home-sit and take care of her! Tiya has just visited this city and I don't think she alone will be able to take proper care of her. What should I do? Adil."

"Tiya will be perfectly able to take care of her but she will certainly need someone's help in household chores and for purchasing groceries and other stuff. I could stay with her for a couple of days if she wants." I replied

"Are you sure? Do you have to apply for leaves in your office? Uncle asked

"I am sure and upcoming five days office gonna be closed so till then I can stay," I replied

We both then came upstairs to discuss with Tiya and Suhani and after a few minutes of discussion, everyone agreed with the Idea.

The next day morning! We finally got dispatched from the hospital and arrived at Tiya's flat.

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