Chapter II:Dance Competition

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That Sunday was as boring as I imagined because household work can never be interesting at all.But this Sunday I didn't get any household work to do, so that day I went to a mall with one of my friend named Nasim. He had to purchase a few clothes for himself. While moving across the mall suddenly my eyes stuck on the same girl whom I met last week. She was with her bestie and they were also choosing some clothes at the other store. I wanted to talk to her but It was kinda absurd to wave her in public,  but then I suddenly realised the money that she borrowed. I knew she surely had forgotten or the time she realised to pay, the number might be erased from her hand. It was so weird to ask for that money but I could not resist myself doing it because this could give me a reason to talk to her.

      I told Nasim to try out some clothes and stood in front of her.

     "Did you recognise me or did I recognised you wrong"

      " sorry man Your number got erased from my hand." She said this and opened her purse and took out a 200 rupees note

     "Do you think I am still worried about the money? Can't you refund me in a better way" I smiled and asked her

    "Better ways like," she asked confusingly

    " like offering a cup of coffee of the nearby café"

      I didn't know what made her do that but she became ready for that.

     We went to the café and ordered the respective coffee. She introduced herself as Suhani. we talked a little about our colleges, our dreams but then our chit-chat was interrupted by the call of her best friend.

     " I am having a coffee. choose the best one you like I am coming in a few minutes" she replied on the phone.

      The waiter brought the coffee and we completed it as soon as we can because we both had a friend waiting. We made a final goodbye and moved on. That meeting was not that long but she didn't make me feel like a stranger and that thing made me a little attracted towards her. She was bold, pretty and a modern girl and trust me these things are enough for a guy to fall in love if he had never fallen in love before. I never believed in love at first sight but technically it was our second meeting so I can say it was love at second sight.

  The next day, Nasim requested me to go to a dance competition after college because his sister Afya was participating in it and I became ready for that because I was free that evening and Nasim was only the friend I had.

The college ended around 2:30. I went to my home to eat lunch. Took a siesta and became ready till 5:00 and reached the auditorium area within a few minutes before the show started. Nasim was already waiting for me. We talked little outside the auditorium entrance, Nasim called her sister who was so tensed in her rehearsal room. We both said her "Best of Luck" and moved inside the auditorium. The auditorium was well decorated with some beautiful flowers, flickering lights and heart-shaped balloons. The curtain of the stage was closed and so people were generally observing each other and flashing their vision from one person to another. I sat on one of the side chairs and started scrolling my phone although I didn't use social media. I did that only because I had no incentive of observing different faces. Just after a few minutes, an announcement was made regarding the Dance competition and the curtain was opened. Peoples enthusiastically clapped and welcomed the show. A women 45-50 year of age, who had organised this competition came on the stage and gave her welcoming speech

"It is so beautiful to see you people here with such beautiful smile, First of all, I would like to thank everyone who made it possible to held this competition and showed their immense support to bring out the best talent in our city................."

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