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infinity war was the war that killed thanos instead of half the universe, but it didn't come without casualties for the avengers, natasha was in a coma, clint refusing to move from her bedside in the tower, steve and peggy both died, shot by thanos, gamora had died and another version of her comes to the future avoiding her death, the only problem is for star lord, it is the gamora that hates him, tony almost lost his life. the avengers were broken, they needed each other, the guardians of the galaxy, moved into the tower, and were all prone to saying "don't give me hope" no one more than clint, pepper tried to coax him out with food, that didn't work, so they called in fury, to see if he knew what the hell was wrong, he pulled up the budapest file "it may not be my place to say but seeing as those to aren't going to utter a word have a look" said fury motioning for them all sit the hell down


 the red head was walking along the street and turned into an alleyway where she was cornered "oh you have got to be kidding me" said natasha with the faintest of smiles "you comin?" said clint, natasha nodded and jumped onto the roof "you know what to do?" clint nodded and they jumped through the balcony, there target: the red guardian and the red widow, the two deadliest assassins' the red room produced aside from natasha, natasha grabbed clints hand, she looked afraid "natalia" the red widow hissed "Leana" natasha hissed in return, "lets go to the roof shall we?" said alexei not wanting to draw attention to themselves anymore than they already had, 


natasha let go of clints hand and fought her sister while clint and her brother were standing there so confused, clint had to physically pull natasha off of Leana, before she strangled her sister. natasha pushed him away from her, and hunted down her siblings,


natasha found her siblings and was torn between her love for her siblings and her loyalty to shield, she found her siblings and killed them, she shocked herself and ran, clint found her and took her hand "don't do that, don't give me hope" she said shaking her head "i don't judge people on there worst mistakes" said clint "well maybe..." natasha looked down "maybe you should" clint looked at her, "you were torn between your love and loyalty" natasha looked at him in surprise "you know me well" said natasha almost smiling. "where are we going?" asked natasha, "you'll see" clint removed his hands from her eyes, she smiled she was in Russia's palace, the place she might have been born, her great grandfather was the last tsar and saw one of his portraits with her babushka "babushka" she said touching the painting gently, her grandmother died in 1992, she was 91 "how did they manage to escape?" asked clint "through that window" said natasha pointing to a nearby window "the only reason my father had a house was because my great uncle died and didn't change his will after he married, he forgot he was terminally ill, meaning we got his money, it wasn't a lot but it was enough for anastasia to buy a house and allow her son to receive an education and by food and get herself a job" said natasha "you know, you just told me your family history, the fact that you are the great granddaughter of the last tsar will shock people," said clint smirking, natasha was lost in her family history and then she went over to clint grabbed his hand and started into his eyes as if tryin to say something he knows what he is trying to say "your welcome" he said natasha smiled and kissed him, the first time in a year.  


tony looked confused they all were "care to explain?" asked star lord looking at fury "this mission was a year after i sent out barton eliminate natasha and he made a different call, at some point they got married but natasha decided that she would feed information to clint about the red room and hydra she became an agent in 2004, it took us five years to work out who was giving clint the information and they managed to keep their marriage a secret to so that worked out for them, we only found out in 2009 shortly after natasha and clints daughter lila was born, she is raised by her aunt and uncle," said fury "she doesn't look like she has had a child" said gamora "that is the red rooms doing they injected something in her and after the child is born she goes to the perfect shaped assassin they needed her to be" said a voice from the door way it was clint.


natasha woke up with a start, no clint she panicked, her breathing quickened and she got out of the bed and tore off the IV drip and went to the lift and ended up in the living room, everyone looked at her in shock "where is he?" asked natasha, everyone just shrugged, natasha was franticly searching for him, she found him asleep in their bed holding the chain around his neck, his wedding band, natasha sighed in relief when the door opened to reveal barbara morse natasha shot her a dirty look combined with a glare it said "stay away from him" barbara didn't back away, clint was already stirring and saw natasha and then saw barbara "get out" he hissed at barbara as natasha sat on the bed and ended up falling asleep in his arms. he ended up falling a sleep shortly after, little did they know being asleep and all, that the avengers watched along with the guardians of the galaxy and fury, all mourned for those that were lost during the war but they were pleased these two survived, if clint died natasha would have killed herself even if she was being watched she would work something out, same with clint. 

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