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i sighed as i got out of bed that morning, he wasn't there beside me clint was on some stupid mission in france and freaked me out, i got dressed and went out to the kitchen "hey red, sleep in" said tony i really wasn't in the mood and seeing as clint was not here it took all self control not to punch him really hard, the lift dinged and seeing as thor myself and steve and bruce and tony, were all here it couldn't be any of us we walked over just as it opened to reveal a man, fury but seeing his reaction made my heart drop, my knees gave way, fury picked me up and took me over to the couch "all we found was this" he held up a chain it had a wedding band on it "no, no he is alive i know he is" i said taking the ring from him. "i know he is alive trust me, we will find him" said fury, after fury left i sighed and walked over to the window when tony spoke up "what is that all about?" "none of you bussiness" i said as i walked to my room and cried as i realised it was our anniversary tomorrow 11 years of marriage, i was nineteen in 2001 so was clint, young but old enough to marry without a parents need for consent and he took my necklace that had my ring on it and neither of us were disloyal to the other, even if it would be 2 years till we saw each other again in budapest, the next day i was quite quieter then normal. i noticed everyone staring at me curiously. "it is my wedding anniversary" i said simply, steve gaped at me, bruce dropped his mug with his mouth open, thor dropped his newspaper and tony's eyes looked like they were about to fall out of his head. "you married, to who" steve asked "none of your business" i replied   


something is off about natasha this morning, yesterday fury handed her something and she refused to tell/ show us what it was and now she is more quieter than normal we for some reason stared at her curiously and she noticed this for she said this "it is my wedding anniversary" my eyes almost dropped out of my head when steve said "you married, to who" her response to our disappointment was "none of your business" and she left the room "shes married" said bruce in shock, we were all sitting there in silence. 


something is off about natasha this morning, yesterday fury handed her something and she refused to tell/ show us what it was and now she is more quieter than normal we for some reason stared at her curiously and she noticed this for she said this "it is my wedding anniversary" i gaped at her and said  "you married, to who" her response to our disappointment was "none of your business" and she left the room "she's married" said bruce in shock, we were all sitting there in silence. secretly married, i was secretly engaged to peggy carter in 1943 and soon after found out she was pregnant and had to leave camp for personal reasons for 5 months when she was four months pregnant, she left the twins with her brother and we would visit them as much as possible, they were about 2 when i went into the ice.

Thor P,O,V

lady natasha is married i never thought that they widow of black would ever marry and now we must find out who it is "my friends we must find out who this man is so he can to lady natasha" i stated proudly and they all nodded vicariously whilst the man of hulk shook his "why not" whined the man of iron "it is natasha's choice to tell us if she wishes" he said as he got out of his seat to put his mug in the sink and went to the room of living and the rest of us scrambled to find out who it was and it seems the man of hulk yielded to his curiosity one more time.


natasha is secretly married we were all surprised and thor said "my friends we must find out who this man is so he can to lady natasha" i didn't want to snoop and so i shook my head while everyone else except natasha who had gone to her room tony whined and said "why not" i responded by saying "it is natasha's choice to tell us if she wishes and went off to the living room and the others scrambled to find out and soon enough curiosity got the better of me and i helped, not that we found anything.



Clint walked out of the lift and got to the living room floor where he was greeted by thor, bruce, tony and steve, tony was the first to break the silence "you wouldn't happen to know who natasha is married to would you?" he asked that question just as natasha stepped out of the lift and stood there frozen, she walked over to clint and slapped him "sorry just had to check you were real, where the hell were you?" she said "ran into a spot of trouble and got myself attached to a table with Barbara Morse aka mockingbird" natashas face morphed into something of disgust when clint said this "she tried to kiss me" he said, just as bobbi her self walked in natasha went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and came back to the living room and headed straight for bobbi, bobbi ran and natasha was catching up to her and so clint managed to grab her waist and murmured "Я люблю вас" {i love you} 

causing natasha to stop and drop the knife on to the floor with a clatter and natasha turn around in his grip and face him, staring at him in his eyes and out of the blue hugged him, she sighed happily when his arms wrapped around her waist "don't ever leave like that again especially on a mission and with bobbi morse" said natasha. she felt clint, she broke the hug they had and remembered what she had in her pocket clints wedding ring and chain, she took it out and showed it to him before she put it on his neck and kissed him forgetting the others were there completely "your her husband" said steve and bruce making the connection "since 2001" said fury, "you knew and you never told me" screamed bobbi, "it was none of your business" said clint snidely  

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