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natasha romanoff left shield and her best friend behind.

5 years later 

natasha was now a 25 the year is 2007 and natasha had been hired by the princess and heir to the throne of ukraine to impersonate her so that princess Larysa could elope with the one she loved and not be thrust into an arranged marriage with one of the senators son's, and due to the royal families being distantly related natasha had no need to use her prosthetic veil as she was the granddaughter of grand duchess anastasia nikolaevna of russia the second last surviving Romanovna and so natasha looked much like to 20 year old princess and agreed to take her place, if somewhat reluctantly, although shield would be informed, but they would et the wrong information and think someone was trying to assassinate the princess and so he went to the avengers tower and sent them to ukraine.

"i need you to got to ukraine to stop this assassination," everyone nodded including clint it surprised the director as the last mission he went on to involved going to ukraine and that was the day natasha left shield and her best friend "barton, are you sure you should be going?" asked the normally cold director of shield, clint nodded his head and left the room. leaving fury and the others in silence.


the women entered the princesses chambers with ease "you really must update you security" said natasha "nat" said princess larysa "don't call me nat the only person who can is... special" said natasha "ok what can i call you?" "natasha" "then you may call me larysa" natasha nodded "get ready for a ball" said queen Khrystyna "yes mama" said larysa.


larysa was being unusually distant to everyone, that was because she was actually natasha romanoff, the avengers mingled with the people and eventually ran into "the princess" "grand duchess Larysa Khrystyna of ukraine" said tony, natasha cringed inside knowing that if the russian royal family lived her title would be "grand duchess Natalia Alianovna of russia" "care to dance?" asked steve natasha shook her head, and every avenger noticed her earrings they were black spider's with red gems for eyes and everyone knew that the princess would never wear such earrings, "right i recommend you be quite "princess" before this pierces your heart." said clint threateningly, and followed them outside, the real princess larysa had to take natasha's place when she noticed that natasha wasn't there, and as soon as people began dancing she went out to the verandah where she knew they were "where is the princess?" said steve "i will never tell you" "well we could throw you and the chair off the verandah" said tony "i have seen what you guys do, you don't throw people of verandah's" said natasha "no we don't, but he does" said bruce pointing to clint "where is the princess?" asked steve again "i am right here" said larysa "and your right i don't wear spider earrings, i thought you took them out" "i said i did but then i put them back in" "why?" asked the princess untying natasha 

"because someone special gave them to me" said natasha standing up "the same one who calls you "nat"?" natasha nodded, 

when an announcement came from inside "make way, for grand duchess anastasia nikolaevna of russia" 

as the 106 year old duchess came outside holding her cane, although the Romanova's aged they never aged in the heart and their memory was impeccable "natalia" 

natasha looked up she hadn't been called natalia for many years her parents and siblings and school friends always called her natasha and it had been seven years since she saw her grandmother "babushka" said natasha walking over to her grandmother 

"what happend to you?" asked natasha "i got old child, but never here or here" Anastasia pointed to her heart and then head 

"when you were 86 you could climb a tree with ease" said natasha "because i had lived on the streets most of my life, natasha" a memory sparked in clint "hello clint" said natasha standing up and walking over and hugging her best friend. 

"i am the granddaughter of grand duchess anastasia nikolaevna of russia and if the dynasty had lived i would have been known as grand duchess Natalia Alianovna of russia, because apparently great grandfather czar nicholas ii, was going to pass the throne onto my grandmother and he was going to make the announce it the day the bolsheviks attacked the palace and my great uncle and grandmother managed to escape" said natasha.


"so your a direct descendant of the last czar of russia?" "yes" said natasha rolling her eyes and looked down at the engagement ring clint gave her, it was December 2007 and tony was still asking if she was even though they had known each other for 11 months.

10th september 2009

clint and natasha married a year ago on this date and it was also the day nikolaevna was born, lila was her nickname as not many people could pronounce nikolaevna, and the barton family didn't want people making the connection that she was the great granddaughter of Anastasia of russia, she met her great grandmother more than her grandparent and aunt and uncle seeing as they were all dead, natasha and clint retired from shield as soon as natasha found out she was pregnant. 

they lived good lives in russia and often visited America but stayed in russia most of the time.        

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