Caroline opens her arms and pulls me into it, letting his hand on my back fall.

"It's so nice to finally meet you. I have been dying to see how gorgeous his wife is and also to see who the lucky person is. I had to fly all the way from California just to come and see you guys", she says all in one breath, making me uncomfortable with the hug.

Her voice is tiny and you wouldn't know she is talking until she raises her voice or you notice her lips moving. I guess that is why she likes ranting all the time. We've just met but I already know the type of person she is.

She is just like my mother. She can be silent when she wants to and she can also be a chatterbox in a few minutes, especially when she is comfortable with someone.

She releases me from the hug and Jayden's hand crawls to my back again. "Caroline is the mother of that forever-crying baby and also those brats over there", Jayden points to the two boys who are of the same height.

One of them is shouting at the other while the other is sitting comfortably on the floor in silence.

Wow! I almost say. They look alike and they must be twins. These babies are really small.

How did she manage to give birth again when the twins aren't grown up yet?

"She gave birth to the baby girl a year after the boys", Jayden informs me, as if hearing my thoughts and Caroline hits his arms playfully as a blush of embarrassment creeps to her face.

"Everyone knows how much you hate babies and hate the fact that there was little spacing between my princess and the twins, do you have to make it so obvious in front of your bride?" She throws him a cold glare.

Jayden drops his hand and shrugs nonchalantly. This is when I realize I haven't said a word.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Caroline", I say with a light smile on my face.

Her attention is now on me and a smile replaces the glare on her face. "It's nice to meet you, too."

I fake a frown. "Jyden hates babies?"

Caroline gasps and holds my arms. "You don't know?" I shake my head and she suddenly breathes a sigh of relief. "Finally. Thank God you like babies."

"She doesn't like babies", Jayden contradicts and I glare at him.

"I don't? Of course, I do", I oppose him.

"Yayyy! My big brother is going to have babies soon!" She squeals in excitement.

"Caroline, stop it!" Jayden looks embarrassed and I almost laugh out loud.

"Hey, come over. Dinner is ready", someone shouts from over the dining area and I recognize the voice to be Jayden's mother.

Jayden's petite-looking cousin leads us to the dining area.

Jayden and I get to the dining area while she goes over to the boys to get them. I see Jayden's older version; his father, another guy who has brown hair and large hands, then another smaller guy.

Jayden pulls a chair out for me as we all exchange pleasantries. This is when I see the baby in Mrs. Russell's hand. She is trying to stop the crying.

When Caroline comes back with the boy, she makes them sit and take the baby from Mrs. Russell. We begin to eat immediately and the baby stops crying.

Silence falls even though I am still as nervous as well. I was uncomfortable with Caroline when she came to meet us halfway earlier but I wasn't this uneasy.

This apprehension must be a result of being around new faces or because of Mrs. Russel who is staring at me as she eats.

She is sitting beside her husband, Mr. Russell who is at the head of the table. Jayden is on the left and I am beside him. Caroline is next to me, then the guy with the large hands and the small guy is beside Mrs. Russell.

"Babe, pass me the salt, please", Jayden says out loud and I stretch to get the salt. Caroline quickly passes it to me and I drop it in front of Jayden. He smiles at me. "Thanks, babe."

We continue eating in silence and when we are almost done, Caroline clears her throat. I look up to see a look of amusement on her face.

"Mom?" She calls, making Mrs. Russell shift her gaze away from me. "Isabella wants babies but Jayden doesn't want them."

When she turns to me, her eyes soften.

The rest of the eating session is in silence. We finish up and the maids arrive almost immediately to clear the table.

"This is John Lorenzo, my husband", Caroline introduces the man with brown hair and large hands to me as her husband. Then she points to the guy next to her. "This is my brother, his name is Andrew."

"Nice to meet you two, John and Andrew", I greet them politely with a slight bow of the head.

"Nice to meet you too", they both chorus, smiling down at me.

"So Jayden will be welcoming babies soon?" Mrs. Russell asks, staring at me.

"No!" Jayden says

"Yes!" I answer.

We both look at each other and I almost laugh because of the aghast look on his face.

I whisper. "I want babies."

"I hate them", he scrunches his face up and I chuckle and hold his hand on the table.

"You will love them, don't worry", I assure him with a smile.

"Babies can be a handful..."

"You will love them", I repeat and turn away from him. All eyes are on us and I clear my throat and look down.

"Jayden was once a baby", his mother utters. "If he doesn't like babies, then it means he doesn't want babies with you."

Caroline gasps and murmurs arise from the men except for Mr. Russell and Jayden who shoot her an angry stare.

The statement process itself slowly in my head and my mouth drops open in shock.


Chapter 30 is here!

What do you think Mrs. Russell means by that statement?

Is she mad at Isabella for not accepting her offer or there is more to this?

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See you tomorrow💃

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