Alain's Surprise Depression

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As soon as Mairin went back to her room to get dressed for the tropical island-style party which was going to be happening at Raymond and Kimberly's beach house later that evening, Alain had shown up at the front door to the beach house just in time for Raymond and Kimberly to start asking him what had happened with him rescuing Mairin and bringing her back to the beach house in that blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy's place.

Raymond: Alright, let's hear it. Why did someone else bring my so-called 'niece' back to our house instead of you, Alain?

Alain just sighed in sadness, regret and shame, but at least he had done so all while still managing to keep a smile on his face. Although he was smiling, Alain's smile was a sad and solemn smile.

Raymond (continued): Why are you smiling all of a sudden, my boy? Surely, you feel bad about failing at what you said you would do for my daughter?

Alain: Of course, I feel bad about failing to keep my word that I would be the one to rescue Mairin, but I suppose it doesn't matter who helped her. The most important thing is that Mairin's safe, now.

Raymond was ready to open his mouth to tell Alain off for just letting the matter slide, but Kimberly stopped him before he could.

Kimberly: He's right. It isn't important how Mairin got back to our house or who got her back. What is important is that Mairin's safe and sound.

Raymond suddenly saw the exact reason that Alain had to smile about Mairin being back in his and his wife's house and just how little it mattered as to how Mairin found her way back to the couple's beach house. But then, Alain finally pulled a long face when he could not find it within him to smile any longer.

Alain: But it's not helping that I feel so horrible about failing miserably to bring Mairin back, myself.

Raymond: I guess there's no real need to tell you off about someone else bringing our daughter back to our house. It's already hurting your pride enough.

Alain: And I feel depressed enough without anyone rubbing it in my face.

Kimberly: It's OK, Alain.

Raymond: There's always the next time, my boy.

Alain: You don't understand. She was drowning in the ocean when I found her.

Raymond and Kimberly instantly grew shocked at this news of all things from Alain.

Alain (continued): When it came to saving Mairin from drowning in the ocean, I did all the work, while that blonde guy, Jean Paul, got all the credit. Just considering it gives me a dirty feeling inside my chest. I haven't felt this awful since Mairin's beloved starter pokémon, her Chespin whom she calls by the name Chespie, fell into a coma because of me turning her away just so that I could side with that punk, Lysander. I'm sure being brought back here by Paulo was a dream come alive for Mairin, but for me, it was torture incarnate.

Alain (continued): I can't take this. Why am I so depressed whenever Mairin interacts with Jean Paul, and why do I always feel so insignificant whenever he helps her out? I know I should be happy that Mairin's happy, but for me, it puts a hurtful feeling in my chest that won't seem to go away until Jean Paul is gone and Mairin's with me again. Why am I being such a spoilt child about my feelings? Why do my emotions seem to have control over me instead of the other way around these days?

Raymond: It sounds as though you're jealous of this Jean Paul and in love with my daughter, Mairin, Alain.

Alain suddenly blushed a furious shade of red at Raymond's assertation that he could have possibly been in love with Mairin, of all people.

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