The Laboratory Staff Goes on Vacation

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Alain, Mairin, Professor Sycamore, Sophie, Cosette, and the rest of his staff were preparing for a tropical island vacation, which surprisingly, Mairin was the reason for their getaway. It had been a full two years since the final battle against Team Flare, but Alain still had yet to recover completely from it; physically and mentally, yes; emotionally, not so much. The feeling of guilt in his association with Lysander had stayed with poor Alain all that time throughout the duration of those two years.

Mairin decided that the staff could use a little time off. So, she asked over the video phone if her Aunt Kimberly and Uncle Raymond could spare their beach house on Solaris Island for the lab's staff. They agreed to it for their favorite niece, even though Mairin was their only niece. She still meant a lot to them.

Mairin: Yes, Chespie and Bebe, I got Aunt Kim and Uncle Ray's permission to stay at their beach house. I can't wait to tell the rest of the lab workers.

Only Alain seemed to hear Mairin's words from just how close at Professor Sycamore's research laboratory he was to her, which was in the next room over. Mairin was not even aware that he had heard her, though, per usual. Alain knew Mairin would see him and tell him first, so he decided to just take it in stride.

Mairin (continued): Guess what, Alain. My aunt and uncle gave their permission for me to come to their beach house on Solaris Island.

Alain's brain: If only I could have the nerve to tell her that I already know this, except for the part about Solaris Island.

Other than the thought of already knowing this news from Mairin, Alain felt as though she were trying to help him recover emotionally from Team Flare. It was a nice gesture in his eyes. It made Alain feel comfortable enough to pretend to be surprised.

Alain: Wow, Mairin. I didn't think you actually had connections. That's usually the kind of thing people seem to expect from me.

Alain did not mean for it to sound that way, but his attempt to be happy about the whole thing came across as a bit arrogant to Mairin.

Mairin: What was that, Alain? Just because I don't have mega stone, doesn't mean I don't have connections, either. I should've known better than to tell you about it first.

Mairin crossed her arms in anger at Alain's accidental arrogance. She just ran off to tell the rest of the staff after that. Alain grew worried about her as she ran because she always tended to trip whenever she ran.

Alain: Watch out for anything on your way out, Mairin.

Mairin: I don't need you to hold my hand for my entire li_

Suddenly, Alain's worries came true, and Mairin, indeed, tripped over a foot stool on her way out. Alain rushed over to help Mairin up, but because she was still mad at him, she rejected his help.

Mairin: I won't need your help forever, either, Alain. I can get up from a fall by myself.

Mairin, indeed, got up on her own and decided to walk the rest of the way. Alain pondered about his treatments towards Mairin for a little bit. Maybe, Mairin was right. Maybe, she would need to rely on herself alone one day. Maybe, he was just babying her by trying to be helpful to her. He knew he could not spend his whole life worrying about her, but she still did not have much right to bite his head off for trying to help her.

Mairin came back later with the rest of the staff. They were all going to Solaris Island for their vacation. They all spent the rest of the day packing for the trip ahead. The next day they were leaving for their destination via seaplane.

The Heartless Timing of LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora