Casey Jones Vs. The Underworld

Start from the beginning

"There you go, Ice Cream Kitty. Nice and chilly." Mikey said as he put Ice cream kitty into the freezer, before opening the fridge.
"Now to see what's for dinner-" He groaned at the smell. "What reeks? Our food ruined!" He cried, before picking up a piece of spoiled pizza. "Hmm, roaches, rotten pepperoni, furry stuff. I may regret that tomorrow, but worth it today." He ate the pice of pizza before immediately gagging and burping loudly.

Raph threw down some pieces of Kraang into a pile, before looking up. Casey walked in and threw down his empty can that he had finished drinking, before kicking a kraang head.
"Well, look what the cat dragged in. Where you been, Jones? " Raph asked.
"Doing what you should be helping the city, stopping crime!" Casey yelled.
"Whoa, hold up. In case you hadn't noticed, we just got back here." Leo said. Donnie threw down the kraang arm he was holding.
"Yeah, we just happened to stop a little thing called a massive alien invasion."
"Yeah, dude, we deserve a little downtime." Mikey said with hsi mouth full of cheesy balls.
"Evil never takes downtime. I just took on the Purple Dragons." Casey exclaimed. The girls watched as their brothers "Ooed" at Casey. Who attempted to give Mikey a punch, but he hid his face in his shell and went over to the couch were Don was sitting and Leo was standing.
"So how bad you beat 'em?" Raph asked.
"Well, at least I stopped 'em from getting away with the cash." Casey replied. The girls quickly looked at each other. As the boys all slowly turned to Casey, growin the room silent before Donnie broke the silence.
"Wait, you didn't beat the Purple Dragons?" Casey looked to the side before looking back at the turtles who burst out laughing. Urte face palmed as Mari sighed.
"You don't want to help? Fine! I don't need you guys. Casey Jones can protect the city alone." Casey said putting his mask back on and walking out.
"Good luck with that!" Donnie threw his empty drink can after him as he and his brothers coniuted to laugh hysterically.

Back in the city Iveta and Sim were making their way down the street heading home.
"Do your reckon that is all we needed?" Sim asked.
"Well, we will definitely have to come back. This should last us a few days. Besides I think we need to be helping with cleaning." Iv responded.
"You are right. The faster we clean up, the quicker we can see what evidence we have left and get back to our search." Simona looked at her sister who nodded. They continued their walk in silence for a few moments.
"Soo, have you seen Tiger Claw yet?" Simona's question caused Iveta to turn red.
"I...I um.." Iveta's mufflnes caused Sim to chuckle at her.
"You don't need to tell me, but you know your secrets safe with me." Iveta didn't respond for a few moments.
"I have..."
"How was it?"
"It was....foot clan?" Iveta stopped in her tracks.
"...Foot clan?" Simona was confused.
"No! The foot!" Iveta said and pulled Simona to a safe corner were they watched the foot, including Shredder heading somewhere on motorcycles.

"What are they doing?" Sim asked out loud.
" I have no clue, but we need to find out." Iveta said and headed to a rooftop.
"Iveta! That's too dangerous! Iveta!" Simona ran after her sister who was already chasing the foot on the rooftops.

Casey was angry, making his way round on the rooftops.
"Those jerks. Whatever, I can do this myself. First up, track down the stupid Dragons and pound their new leader in his lame head." He skated up to the edge and noticed the foot driving down the street.
"The Foot? Guess the Dragons will have to wait." He said and started following them.

"How exactly are you going to follow them-" Simona said as they were on top of the roof of the building the foot were headed too.
"One of the spells we praticed. First I turn invisible. And you can hear and see through me. Just concentrate." Iv quickly explained before heading after the foot.
"Iv!" Simona worried.

"Shredder..." Casey said as he watched the master himself walk into the building. "Things just got interesting." He said to himself as he snuck to the back of the building and made his way inside through the staff only entrance.

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