I could see how this would spiral out of control. Anna inhaled sharply, catching my attention. Frowning, I peered around her to see what had shocked her so. My heart nearly stopped as saw Mr. Richfield standing in the doorway. His hat was in his hand, and his expression resembled one who had been punched.

I had to resolve the situation.

In an instant, I knew exactly how to do so. "Maybe you know what the ladies of London prefer, Miss Reynolds, but I don't think you know the mind of a country lady," I said, raising my voice. "Who would want a fragile hothouse flower? They are beautiful to be sure, but a single variable out of place and they die. Wildflowers, though, can survive anything. I would much rather have them."

A relieved smile curved Mr. Richfield's lips as Miss Reynolds scowled. He nodded his head at me and stepped back. 'Help,' I mouthed since he seemed to be leaving. Didn't he understand I wanted to talk to him and not any of these other ladies? Well, except for Anna and Miss Delan.

He shook his head and vanished from sight by stepping to the side. Mr. Richfield had just abandoned me! How could he ignore my plea for help? The next time I saw him—Words failed me as Miss Reynolds twisted around to see who was there. "Who are you talking to, Miss Forester?" she asked when she saw no one.

"Pardon?" I asked in mock innocence.

Giving me a suspicious look, Miss Reynolds stepped away to speak to her friend, the elder Miss Carter. Miss Delan and Miss Elizabeth Carter moved closer to talk to me, both asking how I was and what had happened.

I was more than ready for the day to end.


Thankfully, Mrs. Knighton kept the visit short and soon shooed all the ladies away. Mother held a hand to her forehead. "Well, that was worse than I expected," she said as she sank into her chair. "You held up marvelously, Diana."

"How long will it last?" I asked tiredly. "Is it over with?"

"Diana, in a community as small as ours, it will be weeks, perhaps months, before this is forgotten. You're looking tired. Go on up to your room and get some sleep. You don't have to come down for dinner tonight."

"No, I will," I said as I stood up. I took a few steps over and bent to breathe in the light scent of the flowers. "I do love them."

Mother laughed softly. "I believe you would love them even if they truly were weeds."

"Oh, I wouldn't let her get away with that," Sarah said, collapsing onto the window seat in her dramatic way. "Some things just should not be allowed. Fawning over weeds is one of them."

Shaking my head, I made my way to the door. Pausing, I remembered how Sarah and Miss Sandwood had been plotting earlier. I had to find out what they had been up to. "Sarah, may I lean on your arm going upstairs?" I asked.

"Tell me you're not serious."

"Sarah, do as your sister asks," Mother said sternly. "She has had a hard day."

Groaning, Sarah pulled herself up. "Oh, fine. After today, this isn't going to happen again. I do hope you understand that."

"Then, I would be wise to take advantage of it today, while I still can," I said, taking her arm with a smile. Managing to wait until we were alone, going up the stairs, I asked, "Sarah, Miss Sandwood wasn't serious earlier when she tried to imply Mr. Richfield was the one who hit me, was she?"

Instantly, Sarah pulled away. "Is that all this was? An opportunity to question me away from Mother?" she asked. She spun to go back down the stairs. "You don't need my help."

A Chaotic Courtship (Rough Draft)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن