Chapter Eight

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Mother gave me a strange look as my laugh came to an abrupt halt. But before she could say a word, Sarah's voice reached our ears. "Mother! Mother! You won't believe it!"

My younger sister came rushing into the drawing room. In her hand was a sheet of paper. She threw herself onto the settee near our mother. "The Knightons' are having a house party!" Sarah said, all enthusiasm. Her eyes were bright with excitement. "Mrs. Knighton has requested we join the ladies in some of the activities! And then there is to be a ball!"

"And when is this house party to take place?" Mother asked, taking the invitation from Sarah's hand. She raised an eyebrow as she scanned the paper. "This was not addressed to you, Sarah."

"Oh, Will opened it, and I took it from him," Sarah explained carelessly. She grabbed Mother's hand. "The house party is in a week, Mother. Please say I may go! Charlotte will be there, and it will be so much fun!"

"How do you know Miss Sandwood will be there?" I asked with suspicion. If our invitation had just arrived, there was no possible way Sarah could be aware of whether the Sandwoods had also been included or not. And it was odd this was the first Mother had heard of it if the expression on her face was a clue.

Sarah barely glanced at me. "Charlotte told me about the house party last week."

Concern filled Mother's face. "The Sandwoods received their invitation last week? You never said anything about a house party, Sarah."

Sarah seemed not to realize the slight of receiving an invitation so close to the date of the house party. "Well, I wasn't sure if I would be invited, given the situation Diana put herself in with Philip Knighton."

"Naturally it's completely my fault the Knightons' would exclude us from their party!" I said, my temper bristling.

"You rejected the advances of their son. Of course they would feel the offense of that! They haven't had us to dinner since then, you know."

"That is completely untrue, Sarah!" I said defensively. "You are exaggerating matters greatly! We have been several times for dinner since then and—"

"Enough, girls," Mother said, interrupting me. She pursed her lips, a look of contemplation on her face. "I shall send Mrs. Knighton a note, accepting her kind invitation. I will be happy to take you both to join the ladies of the party during the day."

Trust Mother to not make a fuss of things. "B-but, surely Diana won't go!" Sarah said, stammering as she sat back. "The invitation says—."

"That Mrs. Knighton will welcome Miss Forester and Miss Sarah Forester to her events, if they are free to do so," Mother said firmly. "I can think of nothing that would keep Diana from accompanying you, Sarah."

I frowned. If we were free to do so? What an odd addendum to the invitation. As Mother said, barring a sudden illness or punishment for another dispute with Sarah, there would be no reason for me not to attend. "People will talk!" Sarah said. "Think of the awkward situation there will be! Philip Knighton will be back!"

Why did she insist on bringing Philip up so often? He'd left a week after he approached me about being his wife and his family said he had gone to visit friends, but I knew he was back, having seen him riding in the distance.

"People always talk, and we will not give them further reason to do so," Mother said as she rose from the stool. "It would cause talk if you were to go alone, leaving your older sister behind. Now, I shall pen our acceptance. Sit up properly before someone sees you acting in such a foolish manner."

Invitation in hand, she swept out of the room with the dignity and grace I so longed to achieve. The drawing room filled with silence. Sullenly, Sarah picked herself up and took a seat at her harp. She plucked at the strings for a moment before she realized I was watching her.

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