Everything goes black pt.2

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(3rd person pov)

As the rain flooded the streets of New York, everyone was running around trying to find shelter. The girl was trudging along in green forest Hunter boots and a matching green raincoat, hugging it close to her body to keep the rain from reaching her. However, her attempt was unsuccessful in saving her dark hair from getting drenched by the relenting storm. She was nervous that she'd be stuck outside, unable to find any room inside where she could hide from the unrelenting rain. Suddenly a boom of thunder echoed from the sky, and the girl picked up her pace. She walks up onto some steps to try and gain better eyesight and sees a lit-up art museum in the distance. Clutching her jacket tighter around her, she splashes across the street to the museum.
    The quiet of the museum gets interrupted as the girl and her boots cause several squeaks to echo throughout the building. Along the walls were a dozen beautiful paintings, and scattered around were some priceless sculptures. The girl is drawn to a particular painting with an explosion of colors and delicate strokes. She backs up from the painting, exhaustion taking over her body, settling on a white marble bench. She turns to set down her drenched jacket when she finds an expensive briefcase.
Curiosity grips her, wondering why someone would leave such a nice briefcase lying around and what may be inside it? Being the good citizen she considers herself to be, she tries to ignore the briefcase and appreciate the beauty around her. She takes considerable time and energy observing the art around her. Still, her thoughts keep leading her to the briefcase beside her. Eventually, these intrusive thoughts consume her, and she grabs the briefcase.
She sets the black briefcase in her lap, and her anxiety starts to show. Leg bouncing and fingers fiddling with her wet hair, she contemplated just how good of a person she was. Was she really going to open up someone else's property? She feels the leather of the briefcase under her palms and goes to pop the clasps of the briefcase, a small beep escaping in a warning. She starts to open the briefcase when it suddenly explodes, destroying all the beauty around it and breaking open the building to let in the rain.

Writings from withinМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя