Everything goes black pt. 1

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(1st person pov)

The rain crashes down onto the sidewalk as I trudge through the city, searching for a dry solace. My eyes scan the windows from coffee shop to coffee shop, trying to find something less crowded. I walked a little faster, hearing the thunder off in the distance. I make my way up the steps in front of me. The steps give me some height to see an art museum across the street. I pull my jacket tighter around me and sprint for the door.
I step into the quiet museum, and the squeak of my wet boots creates an echo as I search for a nice corner to rest. I see this beautiful painting to my right, and I can't stop myself from going straight for it. After I take a minute to admire the beautiful work, I back up and find a clean white bench behind me. I take a much-needed seat and take off my drenched jacket to lie beside me, but instead of an even more empty bench, I find a briefcase.
This briefcase looked more expensive than most items I own, with black leather and gold clasps on the top. Trying to leave it be, I look around at the art on the walls taking in the beauty of the sculptures and paintings. I can't help but keep looking over at the briefcase next to me. Curiosity flooding my thoughts. Why is it here? Who would leave such an expensive briefcase unattended?
I grab at the briefcase and set it in my lap. Leg bouncing, I take hold of the ends of my soaking wet hair. I hope the actions bring me some sanity and calm to not open someone else's property. I feel the soft leather with my palms and the cool metal of the clasps. Taking a deep breath, I start to flip the clasps up when I hear a small beep. The beep fades after the clasps are fully open, and as I begin to open the case, everything goes black.

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