Chapter 32 B&C💜💛

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Bella's P.O.V.

A few days later

I was currently sitting at my desk doing some homework from therapy. I glanced at my door when I heard a knock, my mom stepped into my room standing in the doorway.

"Bella, can I come in?" She asked softly

"It's your house?" I retorted.

"Okay, that attitude? It needs to stop," She scolded as she sat on my bed; I didn't respond but kept my eyes on the text before me.

It has been three days since the robbery, and I am still struggling to get past it. I have been sleeping with my mom every night since the first night because of my anxiety. The nightmare won't stop and every time I close my eyes I'm back in that bank but only this time my mom and I don't make it out.

I have refused to leave the house, I haven't even been going to school, and have been homeschooling even my therapy has been done virtually.

"Whatcha doing?" My mom asked walking fully into the room.

"Just homework from therapy"

"And how was that?"

"It was okay"

"That's not what Dr. Kim said...she told me you won't talk to her."

I turned in my chair to face her "Well I just didn't feel like talking mom."

"That's what therapy is for."

"Mom, please..." I signed knowing where this conversation was going.

"Bella, you need to talk to someone. You won't talk to me or your therapist. I'm trying here, baby, and I'm worried about haven't been yourself since the robbery, and as your mother, it's normal for me to be worried about my child's wellbeing and that I'm fine isn't going to make me less worried."

"Sorry, I don't know what you want me to say." She said nothing in response. After a moment, she spoke up again.

"I want you to talk to me or your therapist, who is trying to help you work through this."

"Mom, seriously, I'm dealing with this the best way I know how, so could you please stop telling me how to feel?"

"I'm not trying to tell you to feel, baby."

"You're worried, I get, but I don't know what else to say to make you not worry so could we stop talking about it because I can't help the fact that I feel how I feel."

She signed "I'm going to your my grandma house for the family dinner. Do you want to come?"

"No..." I responded quickly and sighed. "Do I have to go?"

"Not if you don't want to, but your grandmother will love it if you come."

I signed "okay"

"Okay, you're going, or okay, you're staying?" She asked

"When do we have to leave?"

"In an hour"

"I'd come;" I told her. honestly the only reason I agreed to go was that I was scared to stay home alone. My mom came to me and kissed my forehead.

"Get ready," she said softly before leaving my room. I sat there for a couple of minutes, staring into space, before finally dragging myself to my closet to find something to wear.

I grabbed a pink juicy couture jogger set and a matching Gucci sneakers. My grandma will hate it because she like us being dressed formally for dinner, but I want to be comfy. After putting my outfit together I went to my bathroom to take a bath.

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