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I stood in darkness, a Pokémon I had never seen before floating in front of me. It was a beautiful white with gray designs all over it's body. Gold rings covered it's four ankles. Two yellow bands wrapped around each long ear, green and blue jewels adorned it's face and neck, and two long locks of blue fur hung from around it's neck as well. It was an extremely majestic Pokémon.

"So we finally get to meet." It suddenly said into my mind, closing it's eyes happily. My breath caught.

The Pokémon looked at me again. "My name is Vorce. I am the Pokémon of Existence, as well as The Power of Life that sleeps within you."

"You see. Until I merged with your unusually pure soul while you were still in your Mother's womb, I was like a lost soul, searching for peace. What I found instead, was someone who had the potential to use my power to save this world."

"Although I had given up on this world, your pure soul gave me a glimmer of hope, so I fused with you, making you the new Guardian of Life."

Vorce tilted it's head. "It may take some time before you can master your power, but working alongside your Pokémon and building trust and bonds with others around you, will help immensely. The Power of Life is dependent on the bonds you form with living beings around you, and I'm happy to say, has allowed the cursed Blessing of Eternal Bonds to finally pass on from this world."

Vorce looked happy again. "You see, Kiada, you never possessed that blessing. Your heart was too pure for it's tainted power to accept you. Instead your true power, The Power of Life had been sleeping inside you until you were finally able to meet Pokémon."

Suddenly Vorce looked down. "I suppose the only problem is that the power became overwhelmingly strong within you once you had decided to forge your own path."

Vorce looked at me determinedly. "But your partner will be with you all the way. She understands what you need. Trust her and everything will be alright. Okay?"

I blinked. I never possessed my family's curse? Vorce had fused with my soul, making me the new Guardian of Life? Ralts understood all of this. "Ralts!" I cried. Realizing I hadn't taken it to the Pokémon Center yet. How long had I been here? Was Ralts okay? I had to find out.

Vorce looked at me happily once more. "Don't worry, Kiada. You'll wake up very soon. And your partner will be right there with you."

That's when a bright light filled the area, blinding me.

Pokémon - Bonds of Eternity - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now