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"Alright. I'll referee." Alain said standing at the sideline. "This will be a one-on-one battle. The Trainer, who's Pokémon defeats the other, wins."

Steven and I nodded, then he elegantly threw a Pokéball into the air. The Pokéball opened and a silver Metagross joined Ralts on the battlefield. It was a battle between shiny Pokémon.

The Metagross also had a metal band wrapped around it's front right leg, with a mega stone attached to it. I'd almost forgotten that Steven could mega evolve his Pokémon partner, though his key stone pocket pin was in plain sight.

Honestly, it didn't matter though. I already knew Ralts and I weren't going to win. Even if Steven didn't use mega evolution. He was the Champion and I was a new trainer. Even so, we were going to give this our all.

"You may have the first move." Steven said, smiling calmly. I closed my eyes and took a breath, then I opened them. My body instantly pulsed. "Ralts. Twirl and use Magical Leaf." I told my partner. My body pulsed again.

Ralts quickly responded to my command and activated it's grass type move, while beginning to elegantly twirl. The glowing leaves spiraling up and around it like a tornado. Another pulse caused my body to begin shaking lightly.

I clenched my fists and narrowed my eyes. Ralts narrowed it's own as well, but continued it's dance. It was thinking the same thing I was.

Steven just watched with a calm smile as the tornado entered the clouds. A mistake he was going to regret.

Another pulse, but this time, I could sense Ralts getting excited. Excited to show the Champion that he shouldn't underestimate us.

I finally gave a small smile, and Ralts finished sending it's move into the sky and then ended with a smooth bow.

"That was..." Steven started with a teaching tone, but then Ralts Magical Leaf shot past him from behind, and hit his Metagross dead on.

"Metaaa!" The Iron Leg Pokémon cried in pain.

Steven's smile was immediately gone, his eyes wide. I wasn't going to hesitate like him though.

"Ralts! Shock wave!" I cried. Ralts quickly spread out it's arms, sending out an electric wave toward Metagross. "Metagross! Flash Cannon!" Steven cried in response.

Shock wave hit, but before I could do anything more, Metagross fired its Flash Cannon, and it made contact with Ralts.

My body pulsed once more, and I rushed forward, catching Ralts as it flew toward me. I hugged my unconscious Pokémon and then looked at Steven Stone, with a small smile still on my face.

"Both Arceus and the Zygarde core you are looking for have been captured in Masterballs. They are currently the partners of two ancient Princes who have ceased to age or die, due to accepting a blessing from their partner at the dawn of time. Their names are Zeth, the first Prince of Kalos, and Arc, the first Prince of Sinnoh. If you want to find them, I'd suggest looking behind you."

Both Alain and Steven turned. Standing under a light pole we're the two young men who had been appearing for the past two days.

They ignored Steven and Alain, and kept their gaze on me. I walked over to Alain, feeling unsettled. He placed a hand on my shoulder. I was surprised to hear Zeth, the boy with the short hair, say that 'It wasn't fair' under his breath. My senses were still a bit sharp.

Arc sighed. "Leave it too the Princess to find a way to calm the power within her without losing control."

"Power within her?" Alain said, his guard clearly up.

"Why is she with this clueless idiot?" Zeth mumbled looking away.

"What was that?!" Alain said angrily.

Arc sighed. "Not a good time, Zeth. Will you throw insults later please? Now that we know the Princess has a way of weakening The Power of Life, we should focus on making sure the other Zygarde core is safe. Now that the Delta Order is back, we don't have any time to waste."

Zeth sighed and stood up straight. "Yeah. Yeah." He then looked at me again and gave me a smile. "If you ever decide you want someone who knows how to ease your pain, Arc and I are still free."

Alain gripped my shoulder tightly. His anger almost overwhelming me. I didn't fully understand what was going on, but I suddenly heard Alain shout at Zeth to shut up through his thoughts, and my body pulsed again.

"Me-O" The two Princes said together, and teleported away. At that moment my body pulsed once more, and I collapsed.

"Kiada?!" Alain cried, dropping down and catching me.

"Alain! Is she okay?!" I heard Steven shout as he rushed over.

My mind was getting fuzzy. My body going numb. I was aware of Alain shouting my name.

"Kiada! Kiada!" I closed my eyes. "Kia!" Everything went dark.

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