Date Interrupted

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after Jungkook left I waited for Sung-Ho and he arrived on time, we walked to his car and immediately drove to a restaurant; the drive consisted of basic questions and basic conversations about our lives, once we arrived the restaurant he opened my door for me which was very sweet of him to do

we walked inside I was in awe when I saw the interior: it had high ceilings, marble floors, high windows, and perfectly aligned tables and chairs. I noticed that we were the only people here "why are we here alone?" I asked

"well, my parents own this place- well my stepfather owns it, and since I asked you a few hours ago and I didn't have time to plan a date myself I thought of this place so I hope you don't mind me bringing you here" he answers

"I don't mind, this place Is impressive" I said still looking around

"shall we sit?" he asks and I nodded following him to a table by the window

we both sat down, and immediately waiters were asking what we want "ok since your the son of the owners- what's good here?" I asked

Sung-Ho chuckles softly "well to be honest everything is good here but I like the spaghetti and the steak here" he answers

"well, then I would like to taste that" I said

once we both ordered we started to wait for the food "so, is this your first time bringing a girl here?" I asked

"nope, I brought some of my girlfriends here but this is the first time I'm bringing a first date here," he says

"I'm flattered then" I said and he laughs


Jungkook's POV

"what do you think they're doing?" I asked Jimin laying down on his bed

"why don't you call her to find out," he says while stepping out of the bathroom slipping a blue hoodie

"if I do, I might interrupt them" I said

"then why are you wondering?" Taehyung asks

I sat up looking at him "I'm just worried" I said

the two looked at each other weirdly "then you should have stayed at her condo to see if she got home ok" Jimin says sitting next to me

"yes and you could've met her date" Taehyung jumps in

"well clearly I didn't think of that idea" I muttered

"ok what's wrong with you? its been a few hours since Min-Ji's date started" Jimin says

"nothings wrong with me" I said

"Min-Ji can handle herself, its a date ok? not a kidnapping" Taehyung says

"ok now I'm super worried-"

"Jungkook! trust her that if she needs something then she can call you, just don't freak out on the small things" Jimin says "besides Taehyung's right she handles herself" he says

just then my phone starts ringing I quickly grabbed it seeing it was Min-Ji calling "hello?!" I answered

"hey, can I come over?" she asks making me worried

"why are you ok?" I asked

"I- um.."

"you know whatever is going on, just come here- I'm sure the members wants to see you too" I said

I hear her release a small chuckle "ok then, I'll be there in a few minutes" she answers

"ok then, we'll be waiting" I said

after we both hang up "what's wrong?" Jimin asks

"I have no idea" I answered


Min-Ji's POV

the date was going good, after we ate we drank wine and talked- having all this place to ourselves helps, Sung-Ho was telling me about his stepbrother and his girl problems "that seems complicated Sung-Ho" I said

"yeah, the girl is something though- I never really met her thought" he says

"what do you think she's like?" I asked

"well, I think she's understanding, pretty, tough and most of all smart" he says

"if you ever met her then, she'll like you" I said and he chuckles

he was about to say something when the door opened revealing someone I wanted to avoid for my whole existence "Seo-Yun? what are you doing here?" I asked getting up from my sit "oh seriously, you're interrupting my date" I muttered

"your date?" Seo-Yun's eyes went wide and he looked at Sung-Ho "she's the girl you wanted o to bring here?" he asks Sung-Ho

"y-you guys know each other?" I asked eyeing both boy's

"well y-yeah he's my stepbrother" when those words left Sung-Ho's mouth I was frozen

the one time I wanted to go out with a good looking boy it turns out that his stepbrother is my ex! are you kidding me?! what's wrong with the universe?! "seriously?" I said

"wh-why?" Sung-Ho asks

"well lucky you because you just met your brother's ex-girlfriend" I answered and Sung-Ho's jaw dropped "this weird so I'm going to go," I said grabbing everything- including my dignity I have and walking to the door

"wait! Min-Ji!" Sung-Ho shouts after me but I didn't bother looking back

I hail myself a cab and grabbing my phone dialing Jungkook's number "hello?!" he answered quickly

"hey, can I come over?" I said

"why are you ok?" he asks

"I- um.." I start

"you know whatever is going on, just come here- I'm sure the members wants to see you too" Jungkook says

I release a small chuckle "ok then, I'll be there in a few minutes" I said

"ok then, we'll be waiting" he says

as we both hang up I sighed "this was the worst date of my life" I muttered to myself

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