Chapter 46 - the knight in a shining....sweatpants

Start from the beginning

All I wanted was to hold her tightly in my arms, wipe her tears and let her that I love her so much, so fucking much that I felt it straight to my bone marrow. I wanted to let her know that she meant everything to me, and that I didn't just love her, but I needed her too, she improved me, Something about her, something I still don't understand, had a way of amplifying the good in my nature while muting the bad. She was a catalyst for my soul.

I used to shake my head when people talked about soul mates, I thought of them as poor deluded individuals grasping at a supernatural ideal that is not intended for humans but sounded wonderful in a poetry book, and Then, I met her, and everything changed, her beauty captured me, and no, I'm not referring to her face, I'm talking about her heart this time. That converted the cynic and made me believe that falling in love is in fact real.

Yes, I used to think she was annoying, but I knew she was the real deal from the moment I heard her speak. Her words were always powerful and She had a certain way about her that sucked me in. It was beyond my better logic and I hated the way she made me feel, I mistook it for helplessness; lack of control. I thought she was dangerous because I had never seen a lady so bold, focused and independent, But I later realized that she aspired nothing but harmony and serenity, she had so much love to give and is simply the best thing that ever happened to me.

Even a second without her by my side was torture, yet I had to go through to that for over 5 weeks. I missed her so much, and I felt her absence. it was like waking up one day with no teeth in your mouth. you wouldn't need to run to the mirror to know that they were gone. it was so weird, my body doesn't function normally anymore, and my heart was not steady. I was lonely, which should be a good thing as it would allow me to focus, but thats until I look at my hands and the spaces between my fingers, where hers fit perfectly. That brings a heart wrenching feeling no one deserves to go through, and it only gets worse.

I missed her kisses and the way I slept in her warm embrace. I missed the way she made me eat the delicious breakfasts she made, I missed the way she made me laugh even if I wasn't in the mood, I missed the soft lines around her enchanting eyes when she smiled at me, I missed that look she always gave me that I cannot begin to describe - but I would know it if I saw it again, I missed her her scent, I missed her hair, I missed the how soft and fair her hands are, I just....I missed everything about her And it was seconds away from driving me insane.

She had grown to be a part of me, one that is the most important, so protecting her wasn't just a right, it was a duty, and I was ready to carry it out no matter what.

"...Excuse me sir?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when my bedroom door was pushed further open, followed by Nengi's voice.


"Your Mom asked me to call you"

I furrowed my eyebrows at that "my Mom? Did she come here?"

"Yes sir. She's downstairs at the lounge room"

I'm usually wrong at predicting things but you see that particular one, I was sure that trouble was lingering around, Because if Mama wanted to see me, why didn't she just call me? Why did she have to come all the way to my house?

"Okay, let's go"

I raised to my feet and immediately made my way out of the room, with her following me closely behind until we got to the lounge room, where she went back to the kitchen while I joined Mama, who's expression was not what anyone would like to see.

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