𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒 ; seven

989 22 13

After a long 3 hours you finally arrive with Jake at Somuuido. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" You say taking your phone out to take a picture of the scenery as Jake did the exact same. "The fishing place isn't too far from here I don't think."

After about 10 minutes of walking the two of you have arrived at a fishing spot where the guide had been waiting for you guys, "Welcome to Somuuido, are you the girl who called us a few days ago about setting up some equipment?"

"How'd you know I love fishing?" Jake asks as he casted his line into the water.

"All it took was a little search on Twitter, it's almost as if you make being Australian and a fisher your personality." You laugh casting your line in as well.

Jake rolls his eyes, "What's wrong with a little Aussie spirit?"

"It gets annoying when you're informing everyone every second that you're from Australia and how blue the fish filled oceans are." You tell him reeling back in your line with no fish on the other end.

"You shouldn't reel your line in immediately after casting it by the way." Jake says as his line stays out.

You roll your eyes, "Then what, am I supposed to stand here for hours and wait for a fish to bite?"

Jake laughs and reels his line in, "You should cast it, reel it in every 30 seconds to make it seem like there is live bait in the water, and then that's when the fish will bite." Jake demonstrates, "Like this."

You copy what he did and look at him. "Is this right?"

"Your casting skills could use a little improvement, but you're getting there." He tells you.

Ten minutes later Jake was shouting, "I got a fish! I think I got a fish!" He says reeling in his line that now had a little tension due to whatever was on the other end. Eventually he wins the quick tug of war just to find out he had caught a branch. "Nevermind." He says defeated.

You laugh and shake your head, "Nice job, Idiot."

You feel a tug in your line, "Wait, I think I actually have a fish!" You exclaim, reeling it in. It was also a small fight to reel it in, except you actually did catch a fish. "This is the first time I've gone fishing, and I'm already doing better than you."

"Bro, you actually just caught a fish! A crucian carp!" Jake says excitedly as he helps you take the fish off the hook. "I think you should take a picture with the first fish you've ever caught."

You nod and hand him your phone from your back pocket. You hold the fish by the mouth and show it to the camera smiling. Jake takes the picture and hands you back your phone after you released the fish back into the ocean.

The two of you continued fishing in peace, although there was playful banter here and there, it was the calmest interaction you've shared with each other.

The sun is starting to set, "It's beautiful here, I think I want to take Ni-ki here one day maybe." Jake says as the two of you pack up the fishing equipment to take it back to the store.

You nod and walk back to the building with Jake behind you.

"Thank you guys for coming today, you two make a beautiful couple." The older man says as he collects the borrowed equipment.

"Oh we're not dating." The two of you say at the same time.

"My mistake, please forgive me." The man says, smiling.

You laugh, "It's alright, thank you again for letting us borrow the fishing stuff today."

"Yes, yes, feel free to come back any time. It gets lonely here sometimes." The man says waving at the two of you guys as you two walk away.

"What time is it?" You ask Jake as the two of you make  your way back to the train station.

"Oh It's already 8pm." Jake says shocked as he checked his watch. "We haven't even eaten dinner yet."

"When we get back to Seoul it'll be a little before 12am." You tell him. "Since we're already here, why don't we get something to eat?"

Jake nods, "That sounds good, I think I saw this really nice place a little bit back." Jake says, turning around.

"You're paying." You tell as you follow him back to the restaurant he spotted a while back.

"It was your idea to come here, I think you should pay." Jake tells you as he holds the door open to the restaurant.

You roll your eyes, "After what you said to me last week, I think you should be the one to make up for it with dinner."

"Y/n about that, I really want to-" Jake begins to say until the older lady interrupts him.

"Welcome to Cafe Joeunnal (섬카페좋은날 in Somuuido)." The older lady says smiling at the two of you. "Table for two?"

word count : 846

𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒 ; 심재윤 ✧ completedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang