𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒 ; eight

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The two of you sit comfortably at the table while your orders are being prepared. "I feel like everytime I want to apologize, I'm being interrupted by something." Jake says breaking the ice.

"Just forget it Sim, what's done is done." You tell him.

"I'm really not that bad Y/n, I promise." Jake claims. "I don't know why I discredited all your hard work, I really have no idea why I said all of that, and I'm really sorry about that."

"I think it might take a little bit more than an apology to convince me you're not all that bad." You tell him as the lady places the entrees in front of you guys.

The two of you thank her and begin to eat. "Then let me prove to you that I'm not that bad." Jake suggests as he cuts the meat on his plate.

"Go for it." You tell him.

— ts

"Thank you for letting me walk you back to your dorm, It gets a little dangerous at these hours." Jake says as the two of you walk down the quiet streets.

"It's better two people fighting one person, right?" You tell him as you stick your hands into your pockets. "Honestly, I didn't realize how chilly Seoul got at night."

"I would have given you a jacket, but I left it in the van." Jake laughs.

"I wouldn't want to wear your jacket anyways, who knows what kind of contagious skin diseases you might have in the fabric of that jacket." You joke as you approach the entrance of the tall building.

"So, this is where your dorms are?" Jake asks looking up.

You nod, "Yeah, nothing special."

"I guess I'll see you off here then, thank you for today Y/n." Jake grins. "I look forward to seeing you next week, I'll do my best to plan something."

You smile and chuckle, "Don't get all sappy with me now, but yes I'll see you next week."

You wave him goodbye as you enter your building. You walk into the elevator and pull out your phone and click the call button. The phone rings for a few seconds until the person on the other end answers.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end confused.

"Like you said, it gets dangerous at night so let me stay on the phone with you until you get back to your vehicle." You say as you click the button to go up to your floor.

"Are you sure I'm still the one getting all soft? Or is it you?" Jake jokes.

"Shut up." You hiss jokingly. "So tell me Sim, have you started planning where you're taking me next week?" You ask as the elevator doors open to reveal the floor your dorms are on.

"Well is there anything in particular that's on your bucket list?" Jake inquires.

"Uhh, hold on." You enter your dorms and say hi to your members and quickly rush to your room and close the door behind you. "Sorry, I'm back, but also I'm not sure."

"How about... a karaoke room? Jake suggests with a slight chuckle.

"You're serious?" You ask laughing.

"I mean why not, we're both idols, we both sing, it would be fun, right?" Jake quizzed. "Actually, how about we go eat dinner first after Music Bank, then we can sit in the park and get to know each other more."

"That actually doesn't sound too bad, but you'd have to find a very private park." You tell him as you make your way to the bathroom.

"I have the perfect place in mind, but I'm in the van now." Jake tells you as you hear the van door close in the background, "We can talk about this more another time, have a good night Y/n."

"Yeah, you too Jake." You say before hanging up.

– ts

After showering, brushing your teeth, and washing your face you click the facetime button your friends contact.

"So, how was the date?" Soobin asks as he sets up his phone.

"For starters, It was not a date, and secondly, it wasn't that bad." You confess as you plop into your bed.

"Well, I never thought I'd hear you say that... literally ever." Soobin laughs as you laugh along.

"He's trying his best, I'll give him that." You sigh.

"Well, I'd love to hear about what happened today, so tell me everything." Soobin tells you as he focuses on what you begin to tell him.

word count : 749

𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒 ; 심재윤 ✧ completedWhere stories live. Discover now