Chapter 59: Why I did it

Start from the beginning

My heart hurts so much.

The pain is unbearable, so I am trying my best to heal from it, even when it's impossible.

It's the only way to survive because if I keep letting my broken emotions get in the way, Angelo might kill me sooner than I expect.

Anger, sorrow, grief, and pain are all I feel right now, but I am trying to overcome them, at least for a while since I just started getting my energy back, my mind being pandemonium.

Letting out a weary sigh, I switch the TV on, finding an interesting movie that I fall asleep to midway, getting flashbacks of what happened to my best friend before the nightmare begins to torment me.

My nights of sleep were never the same after being here; every pain and sorrow came back the moment I was kidnapped, even worse when I lost Leah, and I have to face them over and over whenever I close my eyes from the world.

Getting tormented in ways I can't handle.

The only person who can cure me is a thousand miles away, possibly not knowing where I am.

In the realm of light and darkness, where emotions intertwine, I find myself trapped, burdened by coldness.

Struggling to ascend toward the surface to bask in the brilliance above, I am constantly thrust down into the depths of shadow and fear.

Once, I loved the beauty of the ocean, but now, it is a malevolent force intent on drowning me.

Despite my desperate efforts to swim upward, I am relentlessly pulled down to a drowning plight, panic engulfing me as I slowly drown.

"Papa!" I yell for help when I somehow managed to go to the surface and
it went unanswered, and I find myself sinking back into the abyss of the ocean, salt water filling my lungs, finding myself drowning in my excruciating pain and sorrows.

A glimmer of hope appears as a hand reaches out from above, and I quickly clutch onto it before I am pulled upwards for safety.

The further I go to the surface, I see who it is, making me sigh in relief.


He has come to save me.

Attempting to smile in gratitude, my happiness is short-lived as I am forced down again, the water cutting off my supply of air.

Oh no.

Despite my efforts to swim upward from drowning, I am overpowered by the relentless pulls from below, causing my hand to slip from my papa's hold, breaking my heart all over again.

I need Papa to come back for me.

With horror and panic, I look down at the bottom of the water and see who holds me captive, and my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach when I recognize Dominic and Leah's corpses.

The pain, sorrow, and grief that ripple through me weaken my body to the point I can no longer fight myself for life but accept faith, heartbreak hurting my already broken, ripped, and damaged heart.

Seeing them is like witnessing life leave their eyes all over again, and the pain is insufferable.

Seeing them rips me open.

My loved ones...that left me.

My eyes slide shut for a few seconds before reopening to face them once more.

Suddenly, my papa's face abruptly appears between both of them, causing me to scream in fear and terror.

Launching from the couch, I grasp hold of my chest, panting heavily, wheezing and coughing, as I felt breathless.

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