The Shroud of Turin

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Hey and welcome to another interesting fact which will entirely focus on the Lord and savior himself!

To explain things first, this chapter is about a linen cloth that was found and believed to be the crucified Christ. Now there is no historian that have ever said that Jesus was not a real historical person, so could this be the cloth that Jesus was wrapped in?

 Now there is no historian that have ever said that Jesus was not a real historical person, so could this be the cloth that Jesus was wrapped in?

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So far from what researchers have gathered, the shroud matches the gospel descriptions and contains human blood. They have also tested out by (in a way) remaking the shroud to see if the blood spots showed the exact spot of how roman crucifixion was done on a nailed body, which perfectly matched the bled places of when it was wrapped!

But nonbelievers say it's simply just forgery: the action of forging or producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art. This argument ended when they found that there were no sketch marks nor brushstrokes on the shroud. In fact; experts are sure that this image was not made by an artist, and no one is able to copy off of it which remains a mystery to experts of how exactly the shroud came to be til this day.

There is also an unexplained burst of UV light, which under the light from the shroud has 3D properties, revealing it's image and other secrets that it held. It also contains pollen and limestone that can only come from Jerusalem, which is the place where Jesus was crucified. Surprisingly, over the eyes they have found faint imprints of coins struck by Pontus Pilate himself.

For those who don't know who that is, Pontus Pilate was the man that allowed Jesus to be crucified. Now the Shroud could be between 1700-2400 years old but that's been heavily disputed and newest study say it could be from the time of Jesus - reread that last info again.

Because of that reason, it's easy to dismiss the shroud to not belong to Jesus Christ due to what carbon dating have revealed, as well as some believe to belong to another dead man. As things couldn't get more interesting, another shroud was found that looks just the same as the first! And guess what carbon dating have revealed? It showed a different number, finding a gap between the two, so what's going on? I guess carbon dating is not that reliable as we thought, I mean it's confirmed that it isn't exactly accurate to begin with, so it's understandable for nonbelievers to believe that it belongs to a different man.

But even though speculations says so otherwise, no one have fully disproven if the shroud is not of Jesus Christ. Even if such relics are disproven, as christians we should not base our faith on something like a cloth, nor any other object of evidence, not even the ones I have presented in this book as "evidence" or "fact"...

Hebrews 11:1; Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see   (NLT)

If anything, there are plenty of evidences by simply what we see in nature, but this world says it's not from God and that he did not create anything, and if that's what the world think then that's their problem, not ours. As believers of the truth, we already know it and that's all that matters. They are the same people who asks for evidence and when presented one, they try to disprove it, calling believers desperate for God to be real. Desperate... can you believe that?

They're the ones who's desperate to make people leave the faith and push God completely out of everything! Honestly, faith shouldn't be affected whether something is proven wrong, that's not how faith works - take it from someone who was an atheist!

I encourage anyone who is a fellow believer in christ to completely put their faith in the risen Lord Jesus; who conquered the grave and defeated death, who rose on the third day! Because if anyone disproves that, then that's the end of your faith and the shroud itself - including all faith based evidences ever discovered in history. Therefore my faith would also be useless and count as nothing.

So it's up to you to believe this fact or not, and there's nothing wrong if you don't believe it as well as if you do.

We may have found the cloth he was wrapped in, but not the body, so that means His tomb remains empty to this day, and is one day coming back as promised! 🤍

Luke 2:14; Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!  (NKJV)

Luke 2:14; Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!  (NKJV)

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