wireless communication

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Hi and welcome to today's fact, which will surprise some people who doesn't know it yet. Do you know that the bible mentioned wireless communication?

Job 38:35; Do you send the lightning bolts on their way? Do they report you, 'Here we are'?

This is what God said to Job, which no one understood what the verse meant until it was discovered that in 1864 by science (which is 3,300 years later) A British scientist named James Clark Maxwell suggested that electricity and light waves were two forms of the same thing. Pretty much all electro magnetic radiation travels at the speed of light like x rays and radio waves, meaning that light can manifest itself into speech!

We can have wireless communication with someone from another country, even those who are on the other side of the earth from you can have a conversation at the same time, so it makes sense to report "here we are!" by the use of wireless communication - what you're reading counts as a report!

But now that we have such technologies, we shouldn't easily condemn it as some do, calling it evil while others think it's great. The truth is, technology itself can't be evil - just as any object or weapon - it's about how people chooses to use it for. If you're a follower of Christ, I encourage you to use whatever God has given you (such as the technology you have before you) to try and reach out people with the good news of the gospel. It could be as simple as starting an account, or a book here, or really anything you can think of. Technology is such an amazing thing to use to win souls for the kingdom, and when you're winning souls, you're building up treasures and rewards for yourself in the kingdom, as well as pointing them to salvation!

In fact, i dedicate this book to God. Without him i would never have started it. Even tho i dont get a lot of reads nor votes here, nor is it the best book to read with some writing mistakes, nor much aesthetically pleasing to the eye - I care about the potential soul that comes across here.

When God gives you something to work with, remember to give the glory thats due to him and don't pride yourself with how many followers or reads you receive, because those are of God too, and it's something to thank him for and not worry about. Trust that he'll bring the right people to you whose hearts are willing to hear. Its never about the number anyway, its about the number of souls you'll win that matters most to God. Oh how heaven rejoices at the thought of just one soul saved !🙌🤍🤍🤍✨

But if you're personally struggling on sharing the gospel, I suggest you start off sharing your testimony, then from there you'll feel more confident on sharing the good news - anything that points to Christ. Start something new thats been put in your heart! 🤍

Mark 16:15; And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone   (NLT)

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