Chapter 6

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This is Leah Nightmare third oldest.

😤 Yui P.O.V 😤
Where was all these girls coming from?
First it was Emiko and now these three, not to mention. Emiko ruined my day.
And this is making the situation worse.
Flashback• (Third P.O.V)
As the bell rung a beautiful vampire, known as Emiko, stood outside of her class. Nervous for who was inside. A call to come in was heard.

'Here goes nothing!"  Emiko thought. 

Emiko walked in, she stood in front of the class and stuttered, a blush on her innocent face. 

"I-I am E-emiko Saka-...." She stopped.

'Yes,' she thought. 

'I am a Sakamaki, full  blooded sister to Ayato, Laito, Kanato and a step-sister to Subaru, Reiji, and Subaru. I'm only a sister, I shouldn't feel this way towards my brother, my older brother.' 

Emiko bowed, and stood determinedly.

"I am Emiko Sakamaki." She stared right into glowing neon cat-like eyes, Ayato. 

'I will not fall in love with you, for I am a sister. Your sister and nothing more.' She thought. 

And Ayato stared right back into Emiko's violet eyes, he seemingly felt like he knew what she was thinking. And he smirked, he smirked knowing that no one can break the bond between them. The love they felt, he knew what this feeling was but his sweet loving sister didn't, and he knew she felt it too. 

'My dear Emiko, don't deny these feelings, I won't allow it, you belong to me and only me.' The arrogant teen thought. 

The electricity between the teens created a tense atmosphere but there were specks of love and care, and there were definitely lust floating around, but unknown to the red haired girl. There was two other siblings and a human girl who notice the emotions floating around. The youngest quadruplet, Laito, grinned at the tension between the two.

'My big brother and my little kitten, eh~ I would support' Laito thought. After all, he knew his older brother was always in love with Emiko. Who couldn't see? 

'What about Yui? I wonder.' 

Kanato, a purple haired boy, just stared and spoke to his teddy. 

"Ne, teddy. Don't you think we're going to have little Ayatos and Emikos running around soon?" Kanato whispered.

These brother weren't affected by the tension in the room, they only cared for their sister's safety. And who else to leave her with then their possessive older brother, so they knew she was in great hands. On the other side of the room, sat an envious human, Yui. She glared, she didn't know why she felt like this. 

'T-that Emiko, stealing all the brothers from me! And now, she wants my Ayato! No! No! I won't let it happen!' The selfish blonde thought.

She was horrified of her thoughts and stared wide-eyed at her hands.

'Who am I? What happened to me?' She questioned.

She didn't know who she was anymore, but she knew one thing. She hated Emiko and Ayato together. 

"Sit down already!" Yui squeaked out the closest she can get to a yell.

And the brothers glared at the weak human. Wrong step.

"Please?" She meekly asked, she knew she will get punishment later on.

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