Chapter 14: Prison Cells

Start from the beginning

"Clean up duty."(Anneria, said)

She answered without hesitation.

"Eh?" (Martin, asked)

Aneria smiled like a child looking at Martin's dumbfounded face as they got closer to the cells.

"With the money that will be gained from trading the men shall rebuild the town. I specifically, need them to build a pharmaceutical store, a doctor clinic, a textile store, and school academy." (Aneria, said)

'And most important a citizenship examination office for protection' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

"..." (Martin)

"To make the process faster I shall provide you with strong enough wood from the maple, walnut, elm, and ash trees so do you agree?" (Aneria, asked)

'Drop, drop'

Tears fell down Maritn's face once he had arrived at the last step then...

"Wahh can you be my grandaughter?" (Martin, asked)

"Your granddaughter?!" (Aneria and Autumn, asked)

They were left shaken and speechless.

Aneria was startled by the unexpected title but in her heart, she felt his sincere request but she was embarrassed.

"W-Well I suppose I'll think about it." (Aneria, said)

Aneria said as her flushed cheeks turned redder.

With a proud look, Martin shook his head and coughed.

"Ahem..then I shall guide you to the dungeons but ...there are over 100 people here." (Martin, said)

The cells were tall and wide with rusty grey bars. Somehow it looked as if the bars were covered in oil and the floor had cracks all over including growing grass underneath those cracks.

When Aneria, Autumn, and Martin stopped in the middle of four full cells, two to the right and two to the left. Almost left Aneria and Autumn speechless.

'Wow to think there were this many people (Aneria's inner thoughts)

It was set in two genders, female and male. There were two sections for the women that decided to take the offer and the women who decline. Luckily there were no women that refused but the men's section was different. There were more on the rejected offer side than on the side of the agreement.

'Well good thing I came undercover'. (Aneria's inner thoughts)

"Ahem.." (Aneria)

'That should draw their attention right?' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

'They are already looking at me as a threat already.' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

"I'm sure you are all wondering why you are here." (Aneria, said)

" Well, some of you have committed crimes like robbery or inciting violence. Of course I don't blame you since everyone has a difficult situation but-." (Aneria, said)

"Who are you? You're the one in charge that ordered us to be locked up in here didn't you?" (Steven, asked)

Steven, a tall muscular bodybuilder body with red hair and orange eyes interrupted Aneria.

"..." (Aneria)

'If I show them they'll probably react as Martin did. They will know right away I'm not from here. These people hate the Celestial people even more.' (Aneria's inner thoughts)

"Answer me! Show your face! Or don't tell me your scared to show your face because you'll think will remember how you look and come out to kill you once we know who you are?!" (Steven, yelled)

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