1 • Salems sketchbook

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Just to clarify some things so you don't get confused reading the story! :
• Katastrop is the name of the world Salem was birthed into
•magickas are people who possess above average powers

The night was cold yet refreshing, as she peaked her head out the window enjoying the fresh December air that brushed over her face and messily sketched drawings which were also lit up by the moon. Salem enjoyed drawing things she wished she had, like a real family, a kind mom or even a cat. It was a way of coping with the life she was given or never had.

Everything was bliss, exams were over, the holidays were coming and it was Christmas eve. How could things get any better in Salem's world? which were exactly the thoughts that engulfed her mind. This was the main source of serotonin pushing her through the year. The month that was inevitable to come, December!

After some time she began to shiver, seeing as she'd been admiring the city lights from her window for somewhere close to an hour and her senses began to fall numb. She gently shut the window whilst getting herself down from the bench that sat at the foot of the window.

"Salem!" She heard her moms faint voice call from downstairs, there was a pause before her mom sent another yell "Come down to prepare the Christmas cookies!"

"Coming momma!" Salem yelled while frantically hiding the drawings she drew. If her mom ever found them, she'd probably be dead meat for being 'ungrateful' or 'unreasonable'. That was one of the many things she disliked about her mom, she lacked any feeling for hope or imagination. Everything had to be serious and not to be made a joke about.


Salem trotted her way down the staircase wearing the sweater her mom found in the dumpster at the back of their local Domino's. She knew her mom was trying to be better by gifting her things she couldn't afford, but sometimes she's just wished she would stop caring so much about material items and just show Salem affection.

"Ah Salem! Took you long enough." Her mom sighed with flour all over her clothes and face. "Momma! you got flour all over yourself" Salem giggled while brushing the matter of her moms face.

"Salem, what did i say about touching me without permission?" Her mom gave her a stern stare before slapping her hand away.

"I-i'm so sorry momma. i didn't mean to-" Salem struggled through her words before she turned her attention to the floor, suddenly finding it interesting.

"Just don't do that again." Her mom mumbled before continuing "Now come on, you have to make these cookies for Aunt Cassie, she'll be expecting them on her doorstep by tomorrow!" Her mom changed the mood by smiling through her words before motioning for Salem to hurry up and get started on the task at hand.

"S-sorry momma ill get to it, you can rest if you want to." Salem said timidly while desperately trying to hurry up on her chore.

"Don't need to boss me around now, Salem. I will go rest when i feel like it." Her mom scolded before storming out the kitchen.

Salem was glad her mom had finally left, She took in a deep breath and diverted her attention to the kitchen window. She was always so fascinated with the skies, she could see hundreds of different planets scattered across, all having a unique shine and glimmer to them. She always wondered what'd it be like if she wasn't born in the world she was in now. She wanted anything but to be placed in this household which she called her abode but due to their financial situation, it wasn't even worth dreaming of.

While transferring the batter her mom had prepared onto the baking sheets, her mind wandered through the endless possibilities of being born somewhere else. Maybe she could've been a beautiful princess or magician of some sort. Maybe she could've even had the opportunity to express the powers she possessed, which was hated everywhere in Katostrop due to the lack of magickas except for the wealthier parts of the planet.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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