"Light and Darkness Once More"

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(3rd POV)

As the battle concluded between Megalothor and the two ultras, someone is watching from a distance, it was Chisato Shirasagi.
Chisato: That was Carmeara. I am sure about it!
Meanwhile, in a town nearby, people were walking around normally after the attack.  Then something changed, a mysterious flower suddenly released many pollens into the air and the people who passed it immediately inhaled it, especially Emma Verde and Karin Asaka who were also passing by the said mysterious flower from a photo shoot event.
Emma: Where should we go next as a small date today?

Karin: Hmm...


Karin: Anything that you want Emma.

Emma: Okay!


Emma and Karin: Why... do I feel... so HAPPY...! Haha!

Other People: Haha!
Suddenly, people, Emma and Karin, experience overloaded happiness and slowly fall down to the ground. As they hit the ground gently, they all immediately head to slumber at the same time laughing. In their individual minds, they are all dreaming of an alternate life about overloading happiness.

Meanwhile, Tomoe Udagawa and Sayo Hikawa made it back to Nursedessei. Speaking of Nursedessei, it successfully launched after half an hour since they crashed because of Megalothor. Now, all of them immediately talked about what happened.
Kanan: Any reason why did you stop Sayo?

Sayo: I swear that I saw Carmeara!

Rest(Except for Tomoe): Eh?!

Tomoe: I saw it as well. While back up at ground level with my own two pairs of eyes!

Hina: Sh*t. This is something to do with Spheres.

Ako: Possibly.

Rinko: This is bad.

Lisa: Uh, guys! Look!

ROSE: Reports are showing that some people in this town are laying down on the floor at the same time laughing and giggling.

Sayo: Tomoe and I will check that right now.


Ako: Wait for me! Let me join in too!!!

Hina: Me too!!! Yukina-chan you are in charge for now! Bye!

Yukina: O-Okay...
The four girls exited the command center and left Nursedessei. Once they arrived at the location, they are witnessing many people who are currently in sleep mode at the same time laughing and giggling. Then all of them see someone or some two familiar faces who also joined with this problem, it was Emma and Karin. So the four of them immediately run towards them and also check other people.
Sayo: Hey! Guys!

Tomoe: Yow! Wake up!

Emma and Karin: Hehehe...!

Hina: Wow...

Ako: They are really hard to wake up!


Tomoe: Look! That plant over there is so different!
Tomoe rushed off to the mysterious plant. Because of that, the three girls followed her. Once they reached the plant, that said plant releases small doses of pollen into the air. At the same time, Ako went closer, too close so she inhaled the said pollen from the said plant.
Ako: I have never seen this plant before!

Tomoe: Dont get to close, Ako.

Ako: Hehe...!

Tomoe, Sayo, and Hina: Ako?

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