"Subterranean Monster Madness"

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(3rd POV | Odaiba Area)

A brand new day, a brand new adventure. It was Sunday. Every family is out to church, on the beach, or just exploring with friends on a wonderful day. In a park just in the most modern part of Tokyo, that modern area is Odaiba District. A childhood friendship, Ayumu Uehara and Yu Takasaki. Also, they are not alone, Ayumu's cousin is with her and that is Himari Uehara. The three just freshly bought buns with various fillings inside of them and now they are sitting down on a bench, enjoying their buns. At the same time, Himari was watching a live feed on her phone, and eventually, Ayumu and Yu joined in the watching.
NEWS: Today in Saitama Park and some of the parks around Tokyo, the flower of a sazame bamboo was found to be blooming!


NEWS: The sazame bamboo belongs to the Gramineae family, and only blooms once every one hundred twenty years!


Yu: 120 years?! That is amazing!

Himari: Probably that the flower right over there?

Ayumu: Oh yeah! People are taking pictures of it!


NEWS: It has long been known as a harbinger of disaster.


Himari: Huh?

Yu: Looks like, these flowers bloom but also is a sign of something that is going to happen...?

Ayumu: Probably.

Himari: Let's take a picture of those flowers as soon as poss before something happens.
The girls stands up and headed to the flowers where a few people took pictures of them. The three managed to take a selfie with the flowers. After, they walked back to their bench. Suddenly, the three stop on their foot and look at the sky.
Himari: Look!

Ayumu: I have never seen that before...

Yu: It looks like a distortion in the sky...
Suddenly, the ground was shaking and then a hand-type object pierced through. Because of that, they started running away. Eventually, that thing was a monster and named-classified, Pagotortoise.
Himari: I need to send this info to Tomoe-chan!!!
The said monster then dug back down just minutes after appearing.

(3rd POV | Nursedessei)
An hour passed by, inside Nursedessei everyone gathered around in the command center for an emergency briefing because of the monster sightings. Ako Udagawa pulls out multiple overlapping videos and information from their database about the Pagotortoise.
Ako: Well, scientific name, Pagotortoise. Commonly called Pagos.


Ako: It's a subterranean monster that last appeared eight years ago and breathes a terrifying molecular disintegrated beam.


Ako: The oldest records show one appeared in a town outskirts of Beijing, China.


Ako: A mysterious light phenomenon occurred with its appearance.

Tomoe: A light phenomenon you say?

ROSE: It's known as a gold rainbow.


ROSE: It often appears when a male Pagos emerges.

Yukina: Like an earthquake cloud before an earthquake?

Ako: But this doesn't make sense. I already asked RinRin for her opinions about it just thirty minutes ago.


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